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Theme: Safety Officers & Administrators

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3 matching courses

Annual Departmental Safety Officer Update Tue 19 Mar 2024   09:30 Finished

An annual update for Departmental Safety Officers.

If you are a newly appointed Departmental Safety Officer (DSO), this course will give you all the essential information you need to understand your new role - what the role involves and what is doesn’t. We will introduce the key topics of Health and Safety that you will be working with and have plenty of opportunity to discuss any queries that you have. The course should be completed within 3 months of being appointed as a DSO. Space permitting, we also welcome current DSOs and others with a health and safety role.

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Date Availability
Thu 20 Jun 2024 09:30 POSTPONED

If you are a newly appointed Departmental Safety Officer (DSO), this course will give you all the essential information you need to understand your new role - what the role involves and what is doesn’t. We will introduce the key topics of Health and Safety that you will be working with and have plenty of opportunity to discuss any queries that you have. The course should be completed within 3 months of being appointed as a DSO. Space permitting, we also welcome current DSOs and others with a health and safety role.