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- Select training provider - (Cambridge Research Methods (CaRM))

Support for People with Disabilities

We welcome disabled students on our training courses and make every effort both to anticipate and to make reasonable adjustments to meet the needs of disabled participants where necessary.

If you have any particular requirements that need to be catered for to enable you to attend a course please let us know as far in advance as possible by completing the ‘Special requirements’ section of the booking form or contacting us.

We take our responsibilities in relation to equality and diversity seriously. Therefore, if you have any comments or queries on the accessibility of our provision and the inclusivity of our materials, please contact us.

Extra Time (Assessments)

Students with certain medical or other conditions may qualify for extra time in assessments. More information can be found here or you can contact us if you have any specific queries.

Accessibility Access

Most but not all training venues are fully wheelchair accessible please see individual venues for details. If we become aware of a venue with accessibility issues, we will endeavour to signal that this is the case on the course page.

Evacuation Chairs

'Evac chairs' are provided in all buildings for use in emergency evacuations when lifts cannot be used. However they can only be used for taking a person down stairs (not up) and it must be possible for the wheelchair user to be transferred into it.

Disabled Parking

Most but not all training venues are have disabled parking which requires prior arrangement, see individual venues for details.

Induction Loops

Most but not all training venues have induction loops, please see individual venues for details.

Training Materials and Notes

Where notes are provided, they can be issued in advance and, in most cases, produced in a specified format e.g. large-print, providing enough notice is given.

Keyboards, Mice, Anti-glare/radiation Screens

Various non-standard keyboards and mice can be made available if sufficient advance notice is given. Anti-glare/anti-radiation screens which fit over standard computer screens (traditional or flat panel) are available by arrangement.