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All Postdoc Academy courses

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Showing courses 51-100 of 132
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Postdoc Academy Masterclass: Mini Recharge and Refocus new Mon 11 Dec 2023   15:00 Finished

How much could a high quality break help you recharge, reduce stress, and improve your focus?

During this 30-minute session, you will:

  • join a 5-minute guided Mini Mindfulness practice - recharge your mind
  • plan a 'Deep Work' focus hour for this week - protect time for quality focus
  • plan a high quality restorative break for the next 24 hours - find valuable perspective.

PLEASE NOTE: You must complete the facilitator's Zoom registration form to access your personalised meeting link. See joining instructions for further details.

Explore agile ways to respond to uncertainty and increase your research impact in this 90-minute online masterclass.

Research projects can often be complex and unpredictable. This training will support you to develop your own decision making in this uncertain environment.

The session will focus on four types of agility for research impact:

  • environment scanning
  • stakeholder/partner engagement strategies
  • responding to complex problems effectively and efficiently
  • developing an agile mindset.

It will include interactive elements, with the opportunity to reflect on your own practice and share your experiences.

The session will be delivered by Natacha Wilson from Cambridge Insights.

Do you know when it is appropriate to negotiate, and how to do this effectively? Would you like to improve your skills in communicating with influence?

This interactive session will introduce you to key principles of influencing and negotiation that can be applied in workplace situations.

In this 90-minute session, you will:

  • explore key principles of negotiation
  • identify the difference between asking and negotiating
  • gain practical techniques for communicating with influence
  • identify the appropriate negotiating style for your context.

You will have the opportunity to practice some of these skills in the session. To make the most of this session, we recommend that you come prepared to participate in discussions and activities.

Do you know when it is appropriate to negotiate, and how to do this effectively? Would you like to improve your skills in communicating with influence?

This interactive session will introduce you to key principles of influencing and negotiation that can be applied in workplace situations.

In this 90-minute session, you will:

  • explore key principles of negotiation
  • identify the difference between asking and negotiating
  • gain practical techniques for communicating with influence
  • identify the appropriate negotiating style for your context.

You will have the opportunity to practice some of these skills in the session. To make the most of this session, we recommend that you come prepared to participate in discussions and activities.

Have you ever walked into a meeting and questioned your right to be there? Or taken on a new job and then felt you weren’t really the right person for it?

For many people, this is a common life experience and one which can be quite debilitating if left unchecked. This session focuses on identifying the set behaviours that are often referred to as ‘imposter syndrome’, and the implications they can have for yourself and your work environment.

During this session, you will:

  • find out more about ‘imposter syndrome’ and its prevalence among researchers and academics
  • identify the impact it can have on you and your work
  • learn about different ways to overcome it and thrive by being at your best.

Please note: it is important that when you book this course, on the booking confirmation page, select Add to Calendar to start importing the appointment to your calendar.

Do you find it difficult to stay on track in the pursuit of your career aspirations? Or would you like to improve your ability to set achievable goals?

In this one-hour interactive masterclass, you will:

  • learn to apply a well-established goal-setting technique (SMART goals) that will support you in realising your career aspirations
  • have the opportunity to discuss and develop your long- and short-term goals with support from your peers
  • acquire strategies for holding yourself accountable.

By the end of this session, you should have developed at least one goal that will lead to progress within your overall career plan and strategies for holding yourself accountable.

The session will give you protected time, space and support to develop your goals.

Please note: It is important that when you book this course, on the booking confirmation page, select Add to Calendar to start importing the appointment to your calendar.

We humans are storytelling animals. We have evolved with and through stories, sharing vital information about food sources and dangers but also morality and values, thereby bringing communities together.

In this information age, can the ancestral art of storytelling help researchers to better communicate their work?

In this 1-hour webinar, you will learn:

  • the functions and principles of storytelling
  • how to harness the power of storytelling to enhance your research communication, from public engagement events to job and grant interviews
  • the relevance of different storytelling elements for different media (talks, podcasts, videos, written articles)
  • the limitations of science storytelling.

Please note: it is important that when you book this course, on the booking confirmation page, select Add to Calendar to start importing the appointment to your calendar.

Postdoc Academy Masterclass: Time and Focus new Wed 3 May 2023   14:00 Finished

Would you like to focus better on the work that is important to you? Do you find you have too many distractions and struggle to prioritise?

In this 1-hour online session, you will learn techniques to help you:

  • enhance your focus on your most important work
  • reduce distraction and prioritise more effectively
  • establish daily habits to relieve stress, reduce self-criticism and strengthen resilience
  • create space to recognise your achievements each day.

The session is followed by a 4-day Nudge Course. This provides one technique per day to help you convert the techniques you’ve learned into useful habits.

For 48 hours following the session, you will also have the opportunity to contact Joy, a mental health nurse with over 40 years’ experience. Joy will offer a confidential listening ear and signpost you to further support.

Postdoc Academy Masterclass: Time & Focus Power Habits new Wed 29 May 2024   12:00 Finished

Have you ever wondered what you could achieve with more effective time management habits? Join us to find out!

In this 1-hour session, you will:

  • learn power habits to improve your work productivity
  • create a timetable that protects deep work and a healthier work-life balance
  • reset your inbox habits to help you manage your workload and team relationships more effectively
  • plan daily restorative breaks to recharge your focus and calm your mind.

During the session you will be applying the techniques to your calendar and inbox in real time, setting up protective processes that you can benefit from immediately.

Please note: It is important that when you book this course, on the booking confirmation page, select Add to Calendar to start importing the appointment to your calendar.

PLEASE NOTE: You must complete the facilitator's Zoom registration form to access your personalised meeting link. See joining instructions for further details.

In the increasingly competitive field of fellowship funding, your applications need to stand out immediately.

During this online masterclass for early career researchers, you'll learn key considerations for preparing a strong fellowship application. 

The session will explore:

  • desirability, feasibility and viability
  • what’s important to the funder
  • elements of successful applications
  • how to plan for impact.

It will consist of a 60-minute talk, followed by 30 minutes for you to ask questions.

Please note: It is important that when you book this course, on the booking confirmation page, select Add to Calendar to start importing the appointment to your calendar.

In the increasingly competitive field of fellowship funding, your applications need to stand out immediately.

During this online masterclass for early career researchers, you'll learn key considerations for preparing a strong fellowship application. 

The session will explore:

  • desirability, feasibility and viability
  • what’s important to the funder
  • elements of successful applications
  • and how to plan for impact.

It will consist of a 60-minute talk and an opportunity to ask questions.

In the increasingly competitive field of fellowship funding, applications need to stand out immediately to capture reviewers’ interest and to maximise the chance of being funded. This accelerated session, aimed at early career researchers, highlights key considerations in preparing a strong fellowship application.  The session explores: desirability, feasibility and viability, planning your project, what’s important to the funder, how applications are assessed, writing style - how to get noticed, project, person, place, partners – elements of successful fellowships, how to plan for impact – ‘so what’, ‘now what’. The session will have two parts: a talk that will last for 45-60 mins, then an opportunity for you to ask your own questions a 30 min Q&A.   

Speaker Info: Richard Henning Brodersen (Research Development Manager, Research Operations Office) leads the pre-award team for the School of Technology at the University of Cambridge. He has over 10 years’ experience supporting and co-writing research funding applications including fellowships, research grants and industry collaborations for a wide range of funders across the arts, humanities and sciences. Prior to working in higher education Richard had a successful career in financial consultancy and in the further education sector.

Postdoc Academy Workshop: Creativity in Research new Wed 24 Jan 2024   09:30 Finished

Creativity is a critical part of research, helping people look at old problems in new ways.

In this practical workshop for postdocs, we will explore:

  • creativity as a way of operating rather than a talent
  • tools and techniques to boost your creative confidence
  • how to apply creative thinking to your own research questions.

To get the most out of the session, think of a particular problem or challenge in your research that you would like to work on creatively in the workshop. You might find the breakthrough you’ve been looking for!

Many believe that emotional intelligence (EQ) is a better predictor of success in the workplace than IQ. The good news is that EQ can be developed and improved over time.

In this two-part interactive workshop, you will gain an understanding of the key skills needed to develop your emotional intelligence – managing your own emotions and the emotions of others.

Through activities and discussions, you’ll reflect on your default behaviour in workplace situations and explore your strengths and areas for further development.

In this second 2-hour session, you will gain insights into:

  • social awareness: understanding the emotions of others, empathy and active listening, managing relationships
  • relationship management: effective communication, motivating and influencing others.

Book a space on part one of this workshop here

Although parts one and two can be attended separately, we recommend participating in both.

Once your attendance has been confirmed, you will be invited to attend an optional follow-up group coaching session to enhance and consolidate your learning. This virtual session is scheduled for 14:00-15:30 on Monday 20th March.

Many believe that emotional intelligence (EQ) is a better predictor of success in the workplace than IQ. The good news is that EQ can be developed and improved over time.

In this two-part interactive workshop, you will gain an understanding of the key skills needed to develop your emotional intelligence – managing your own emotions and the emotions of others.

Through activities and discussions, you’ll reflect on your default behaviour in workplace situations and explore your strengths and areas for further development.

In this first 2-hour session, you will gain insights into:

  • self-awareness: understanding and managing your emotions, recognising triggers, and managing stress
  • self-regulation: developing emotional self-control.

Book a space on part two of this workshop here

Although parts one and two can be attended separately, we recommend participating in both.

Once your attendance has been confirmed, you will be invited to attend an optional follow-up group coaching session to enhance and consolidate your learning. This virtual session is scheduled for 14:00-15:30 on Monday 20th March.

Generative AI tools have great potential to increase research output and quality. They can be used to assist with:

  • project conceptualisation
  • research question development
  • project management
  • information search and organisation
  • code writing
  • data analysis
  • and academic writing.

This hands-on workshop will provide you with the necessary literacies and skills to use AI technologies effectively and ethically as part of your research process.

Please note: it is important that when you book this course, on the booking confirmation page, select Add to Calendar to start importing the appointment to your calendar.

Do you worry about conflict and disagreement in your team? Do you use strategies to avoid conflict? Do you want to better understand how groups and teams function in order to improve your productivity?

Conflict and disagreement are a natural and inevitable part of group development. What’s important is how this is dealt with.

In this workshop, you will have the opportunity to:

  • learn about some key theories on group/team development
  • examine strategies to address disagreement in a way which enables you to achieve your team’s goals
  • look at some real-world conflict scenarios and apply strategies
  • work on a situation from your own context and get feedback.

This workshop is for anyone who works as part of a team and wants to better understand how teams function, or if you are an aspiring team leader looking for strategies to manage teams.

Please note: It is important that when you book this course, on the booking confirmation page, select Add to Calendar to start importing the appointment to your calendar.

Would you like to be more deliberate about what you say yes to, and become more confident at saying no?

In this 90 minute interactive workshop, you will gain insights into:

  • creating a strategic approach to saying yes
  • negotiating your workload
  • building confidence to say no to requests.

You will have the opportunity to explore how you can apply the theory in practice, and to discuss the challenges of saying no in an academic setting.

Please note: It is important that when you book this course, on the booking confirmation page, click on Add to Calendar to start the process of importing the course appointment to your calendar.

Research and improvised comedy (improv) have a lot in common: they are both explorations of the unknown that require intuition and creativity. So how can improv be used to train research skills?

In this 1-hour workshop, we will:

  • explore the unknown and its inherent uncertainty
  • create a supportive, safe and respectful environment
  • test your adaptability, boost your creativity and practice co-creation through a series of playful exercises.

At the end of the workshop, you will be better equipped to face the unknown, make space for your own creativity, be a better team player, and feel more confident in front of an audience.

Please note: it is important that when you book this course, on the booking confirmation page, select Add to Calendar to start importing the appointment to your calendar.

Postdoc Academy Workshop: Inclusive Leadership new Tue 27 Feb 2024   10:00 Finished

In today's diverse workplaces, speaking the same language is just the beginning. Our cultural backgrounds profoundly shape how we connect, collaborate and influence, impacting team performance.

This session will explore the varying facets of diversity and experience that contribute to cultural differences, and the vital role of intercultural competence in inclusive leadership.

It will help you to:

  • understand the different layers that contribute to ‘culture’ and the role of cultural intelligence for leaders
  • recognise how international and other types of cultural diversity can impact team dynamics
  • cultivate inclusive leadership skills to foster collaboration and synergy among diverse teams
  • be comfortable asking questions and starting conversations to address cultural differences in a more productive way.

Funders of academic research and employers of researchers are increasingly valuing individuals with entrepreneurial spirit and a broader set of skills that can be used to innovate and create impact from research.

Researchers with these skills are at an advantage when applying for permanent academic positions, securing research funding, or pursuing commercialisation opportunities.

This interactive session will introduce you to:

  • what an entrepreneurial mindset is and how all researchers can adopt and develop this to pursue their interests
  • the frameworks and tools that are used in the startup world to create compelling business opportunities
  • how you can adapt these to support innovative research, create impact, and secure grant or fellowship funding
  • how to create your personal "elevator pitch" to introduce yourself and create new opportunities at networking events or to future employers.

Please note: it is important that when you book this course, on the booking confirmation page, select Add to Calendar to start importing the appointment to your calendar.

Postdoc Academy Workshop: Managing Imposter Phenomenon new Tue 25 Apr 2023   13:30 Finished

Most people experience self-doubt at some point in their life. We may not feel as competent or knowledgeable as others perceive us to be, or we may attribute our success to luck.

Such thoughts and emotions are sometimes referred to as impostor phenomenon. Research suggests it is common amongst high achieving individuals such as those working in academia.

This 3-hour workshop will provide a safe and confidential space to explore your own and others’ experiences of imposter phenomenon, and why these feelings can arise.

It will also equip you with a range of different approaches to help manage feelings of self-doubt.

By the end of the workshop you will have:

  • understood what imposter phenomenon is and why you might experience it
  • explored its impact on your life and career
  • identified strategies for managing self-doubt.

Most people find it challenging to take decisions and action under uncertain conditions.

But there are practical ways to cope with uncertainty, using simple techniques which we can practise and implement in our daily lives.

Using these skills, we can make uncertainty work to our advantage, fuelling creativity, problem solving and teamwork.

This workshop is an opportunity to experience uncertainty in a safe environment and become comfortable thinking on your feet. We will borrow tools from improvisation theatre and cognitive sciences to help you experiment and learn strategies to harness uncertainty to your benefit.

Feedback from postdocs who attended the training in July 2021:

  • “Really great experience. Mostly, I think it helps a lot with confidence and also with tuning your listening skills and your respect for what others say and do. You can't predict things and need to embrace them as they come, and this is so useful in both personal and work life.”
  • “I liked the positive messages it gave for approaching my research - sometimes it’s best not to overthink but go with the obvious, or if things go wrong (even repeatedly) just forget about them and keep trying something new.”

How can you make your research proposition stand out in a competitive funding landscape?

In the business and start up world, the Business Model Canvas tool is used to help companies work out how they will create, deliver and capture value. The research canvas is an adaptation of this and helps researchers plan and present their case for applying for research funding.

In this workshop, you will learn to use the Research Canvas. You will also have the opportunity to submit your research canvas after the workshop for personalised feedback.

This workshop will:

  • demonstrate the utility of an entrepreneurial tool in a research context
  • enable you to implement a tool for planning and presenting your research
  • give you opportunities to share your ideas and receive feedback from peers and facilitators.

Please note: it is important that when you book this course, on the booking confirmation page, select Add to Calendar to start importing the appointment to your calendar.

Communicating your work well, through both writing and presenting, are important skills in any successful research career.

Presenting well doesn’t come naturally to most people - feeling comfortable giving strong presentations is something we can learn through theory and practice. Dr Anna Ploszajski's career is living proof of that!

In this workshop, you will gain the skills you need to speak confidently and engagingly to any future audience, be they professionals or the public.

It will cover:

  • how to tailor your message to your audience
  • how to structure like a creative story
  • practical tips on using body language to increase the impact of your words.

No prior experience of presenting is required – this training is for everyone from folks who detest presenting, to regular communicators looking to step up their game to the next level.

Please note: It is important that when you book this course, on the booking confirmation page, select Add to Calendar to start importing the appointment to your calendar.

Being able to effectively manage your workload in a proactive and realistic way is key to a successful research career.

Understanding task and relationship management techniques can help you better balance the demands on your time as a postdoc, as well as reducing your stress.

In this interactive half-day workshop, you will learn practical techniques that you can implement to consistently improve your day-to-day productivity.

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • manage your activities more proactively through planning and negotiation
  • feel more confident in how to prioritise, make decisions, and say no
  • better manage your email and meeting habits.

Bring your productivity issues to the workshop ready for some practical troubleshooting!

Being able to effectively manage your workload in a proactive and realistic way is key to a successful research career.

Understanding task and relationship management techniques can help you better balance the demands on your time as a postdoc, as well as reducing your stress.

In this interactive half-day workshop, you will learn practical techniques that you can implement to consistently improve your day-to-day productivity.

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • manage your activities more proactively through planning and negotiation
  • feel more confident in how to prioritise, make decisions, and say no
  • better manage your email and meeting habits.

Bring your productivity issues to the session ready for some practical troubleshooting!

Please note: It is important that when you book this course, on the booking confirmation page, click on Add to Calendar to start the process of importing the course appointment to your calendar.

Powerful presentation skills can be critical in winning support for your ideas, establishing partnerships, spreading your message, or simply getting a job.

This highly interactive workshop series covers the secrets of public speaking, from a compelling opening and the magic of storytelling, to the effective use of body language and interactions to help your talk come alive.

The two half-day workshops will include:

The Essentials of Presentations

  • How to open well and impress from the outset.
  • Crafting an ending that leaves your words ringing in the ears of an audience.
  • Being clear on your narrative for concise and effective storytelling.
  • Adapting your message for any audience.


  • How much information to put on a slide.
  • Effective use of images.
  • Elegant use of data to convince rather than overwhelm.

The Magic of Storytelling

  • The impact of stories over facts.
  • How to tell a compelling story.
  • The pillars of persuasion - credibility, emotion and logic.

Advanced Presentation Skills

  • How to use character, authenticity and body language to your advantage.
  • Turning your talk into a captivating dialogue.
  • Using signposting and soundbites to make your most important points stand out.
  • Dealing with nerves.
Postdoc Academy Workshop: Team Dynamics new Wed 15 Mar 2023   13:30 Finished

Team working is a critical part of successful research and innovation. But working with others can be challenging when they don’t think or behave in the way we do.

In this half-day workshop, we will explore fundamental aspects of team working, including why having people in your teams who think and behave differently to you is essential for success.

We will look at different theories around teamwork and globally recognised tools, including LEGO Serious Play and Belbin Team Roles.

At the end of this workshop, you will understand:

  • why teams don’t need well-rounded people
  • how conflict between working styles can be turned to an advantage
  • why our expectations of team members (including leaders) can set them up to fail
  • and when choosing people to work with, why we need to look beyond their eligibility and consider their suitability.
Postdoc Academy Workshop: What is Research Leadership? new Tue 25 Jun 2024   13:30 [Places]

As you progress in your career, you will have to navigate the transition from being managed and supervised by others, to taking on leadership of projects and people for the first time.

Using our own experience of leadership, along with discussion and theories, we will look at a variety of aspects of successful leadership within the research and innovation context.

This workshop will provide an opportunity for you to:

  • think about your aims in terms of leadership
  • take stock of your own leadership attributes and experience
  • identify how to further develop your research and innovation leadership potential.

Please note: It is important that when you book this course, on the booking confirmation page, select Add to Calendar to start importing the appointment to your calendar.

Postdoc Academy Workshop: What is Research Leadership? new Wed 11 Jan 2023   10:00 Finished

As you progress in your career, you will have to navigate the transition from being managed and supervised by others, to taking on leadership of projects and people for the first time.

Using our own experience of leadership, along with discussion and theories, we will look at a variety of aspects of successful leadership within the research and innovation context.

This workshop will provide an opportunity for you to:

  • think about your aims in terms of leadership
  • take stock of your own leadership attributes and experience
  • identify how to further develop your research and innovation leadership potential.

Communicating your work well, through both writing and presenting, are important skills in any successful research career.

Writing well doesn’t come naturally to most people - feeling comfortable writing powerful papers is something we can learn through theory and practice. Dr Anna Ploszajski's career is living proof of that!

In this workshop, you will gain the skills you need to write confidently and engagingly to any future audience, be they professionals or the public.

It will cover:

  • how to tailor your message to your audience
  • how to structure like a creative story
  • practical tips on using English language to increase the impact of your words.

No prior experience of writing is required – this training is for everyone from folks who detest writing, to regular communicators looking to step up their game to the next level.

Please note: it is important that when you book this course, on the booking confirmation page, select Add to Calendar to start importing the appointment to your calendar.

This interactive and participatory webinar session aims to provide researchers with the space to focus on themselves, review where they are now and gain a renewed perspective on their next steps and goals. Participants will have the opportunity to reflect on what helps them be at their best, what motivates them and how to bounce ‘forward’ with resiliency in times of uncertainty.

By the end of the session, participants will:

  • Explore techniques to refocus, re-energise and build resiliency
  • Gain clarity on their motivations, immediate steps and long-term goals
  • Build stronger and meaningful connections in a supportive environment
  • Identify what helps them be at their best.

The speaker: Daniela Bultoc is winner of the Times Higher Education Awards and recognised at a UK national level in three consecutive years for outstanding support for researchers and academics, a communities of practice expert, professional trainer and coach. She is also a Senior Fellow Researcher Developer - a prestigious recognition conferred by Vitae for her contributions to supporting and developing researcher development practices and policy development in the Higher Education (HE) sector. With 14 years experience of working in HE, Daniela is a highly regarded professional and international researcher developer consultant who seeks to support and inspire individuals and teams reach their potential in their chosen career paths.

Postdoc Hot-desking @ Eddington new Thu 14 Apr 2022   13:00 Finished

The Postdoc Academy is reopening its hot-desking space to postdocs on a trial basis, at our quiet working space at the Postdoc Centre, Eddington. Your patience and understanding is appreciated as we look to reopen this facility in a safe manner alongside our team returning to the workplace.

Please read the below notes carefully before booking:

  • Before booking a hot-desking space at Eddington, please complete the short online induction form here: (Any previous inductions completed for the Postdoc Centre @ Eddington are no longer valid)

  • Postdocs can book one of four hot-desks available, in 1hr 45 minute slots
  • Postdocs can book a maximum of two time slots per day
  • Time slots for the next week's sessions are released for booking on Wednesdays, at approximately 3pm
  • The days on which hot-desking is available may vary week by week
  • Your booking will be checked by a member of our team before approval, and you will then be sent a confirmation email containing any further information needed
  • Please book your session at least one working day in advance

In the face of escalating disruption, cultivating effective self-leadership and personal mastery has become vital for sustained performance and wellbeing.

As the pace of change intensifies, which qualities and abilities are needed to navigate the challenges ahead? Which insights, tools, practices and skills will help unleash a quantum leap in your personal and professional effectiveness?

Taking responsibility for your self-development is one of the greatest acts of leadership. As CEO-turned-Harvard scholar Bill George affirmed, ‘You cannot manage other people unless you manage yourself first’.

Expanding our field of perception, overcoming limiting beliefs, managing emotional reactivity and cultivating healthy, collaborative relations are increasingly vital skills to thrive in changing times.

Cutting-edge practices, especially transformative approaches and those that promote awareness in the heat-of-the-moment, can play a crucial part in helping accomplished professionals to act in increasingly skilful, resourceful and life-enhancing ways.

This online, interactive, experiential session is a valuable opportunity to bring a key professional challenge, discover fresh perspectives and explore breakthrough solutions for constructive action. It will provide simple yet profound tools for achieving new insights, leaving you better equipped to achieve sustainable breakthroughs in self-leadership, workplace functioning, research innovation and academic results.

Dedicating quality time in a safe, supportive space to cultivate your essential self-leadership capacities through inquiry and reflection can help you engage with your work in more powerful, rewarding and visionary ways.

Join us for a short training with a big impact adding lasting value to your self-leadership and career journey.

About the speaker:

Beth Meriam is an award-winning published researcher (PhD Cambridge), consultant and mentor-coach to pioneering leaders and high performers worldwide. She is a sought-after expert in optimising human potential and catalysing positive change.

Drawing on over 20 years of experience in 60 countries across 5 continents, Beth has designed and led a wide range of interventions including: World Bank, UK Govt., Unilever, SWIFT, Telefónica, UNESCO, Airbnb, BNP Paribas, and leading global business schools (IMD, Columbia, ESADE). She is a Windsor Leadership Facilitator-Mentor-Coach, a Henley Business School doctoral Mentor-Supervisor and a Taos Institute Global Associate (USA).

Her contributions have received numerous prestigious accolades, including Cambridge ‘Honorary Student’, The James Littlejohn Prize and 14 education, social responsibility and enterprise awards.

Postdoc Masterclass: Imposter Syndrome new Fri 3 Dec 2021   10:30 Finished

If you have ever doubted your ability or thought "I just got lucky this time", “I worry that others will discover how little I know” or “I only got that praise because people were being kind", this is an indication that you have experienced Imposter Syndrome. The imposter voice is one of many that come from our ‘inner critic’ and is very common amongst researchers. It presents itself as a feeling of inadequacy that persists even in the face of evidence that the opposite is true. It is frequently experienced, often by high-performing people, as a feeling of self-doubt and intellectual fraudulence. The good news is that it is completely normal, and sometimes even useful! The bad news is that it may result in you missing out on opportunities or creating the wrong impression with others. During this short masterclass you will: Understand where imposter syndrome comes from and why we have it, reflect on where and how your inner critic might limit your progress, learn of some different approaches for managing your inner critic and imposter feelings.

The speaker: This session will be presented by Dr Tracey Stead, a leadership coach and facilitator specialising in working with researchers.

Be sure to check out the other sessions in our Postdocs Masterclass series in the "Related Courses" section below!

Postdoc Masterclass: Saying "no" professionally new Thu 3 Feb 2022   11:00 Finished

In this webinar, we will explore three approaches to better manage your workload by being able to:

  • Challenge or ‘push back’ taking on additional work
  • Negotiate how new workload is managed
  • Say no when requested to engage in additional work that we cannot or do not want to take on

Saying ‘no’ becomes a necessary professional skill to support consistency and quality of your research outputs whilst taking care of your wellbeing. However, it is not always possible, hence being in quote marks.

This training will explore the options to avoid ‘just saying yes’. With plenty of time for questions and discussion on the practicalities how to implement the three approaches introduced.

This workshop will help you manage your own workload and is also useful if you are managing others.

The speaker: Caroline Broad (@broadtraining) gained her twenty years’ experience facilitating teams and delivering skills training with a focus on developing the skills of career researchers and University staff in STEM. Caroline loves working with people who have a depth of knowledge and a passion for their work. She starts with the assumption that everyone is naturally resourceful and capable and delivers value by developing an individual’s self-awareness, alongside an introduction to tools and theories that are directly applicable to their roles. Caroline is a certified practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Belbin Team Roles, is a Mental Health First Aider, C-Me profiling and Resilience Tools consultant. She facilitates an Action for Happiness Happy Café in her town and delivers the Exploring What Matters course focusing on wellbeing and resilience.

In the increasingly competitive field of fellowship funding, applications need to stand out immediately to capture reviewers’ interest and to maximise the chance of being funded. This accelerated session, aimed at early career researchers, highlights key considerations in preparing a strong fellowship application.  The session explores: desirability, feasibility and viability, planning your project, what’s important to the funder, how applications are assessed, writing style - how to get noticed, project, person, place, partners – elements of successful fellowships, how to plan for impact – ‘so what’, ‘now what’. The session will have two parts: a talk that will last for 45-60 mins, then an opportunity for you to ask your own questions a 30 min Q&A.   

Speaker Info: Richard Henning Brodersen, Research Development Manager, Research Operations Office Richard leads the pre-award team for the School of Technology at Cambridge University. He has over 10 years’ experience supporting and co-writing research funding applications including fellowships, research grants and industry collaborations for a wide range of funders across the arts, humanities and sciences. Prior to working in higher education Richard had a successful career in financial consultancy and in the further education sector.

Be sure to check out the other sessions in our Postdocs Masterclass series in the "Related Courses" section below!

In the increasingly competitive field of fellowship funding, applications need to stand out immediately to capture reviewers’ interest and to maximise the chance of being funded. This accelerated session, aimed at early career researchers, highlights key considerations in preparing a strong fellowship application.  The session explores: desirability, feasibility and viability, planning your project, what’s important to the funder, how applications are assessed, writing style - how to get noticed, project, person, place, partners – elements of successful fellowships, how to plan for impact – ‘so what’, ‘now what’. The session will have two parts: a talk that will last for 45-60 mins, then an opportunity for you to ask your own questions a 30 min Q&A.   

Speaker Info: Richard Henning Brodersen, Research Development Manager, Research Operations Office Richard leads the pre-award team for the School of Technology at Cambridge University. He has over 10 years’ experience supporting and co-writing research funding applications including fellowships, research grants and industry collaborations for a wide range of funders across the arts, humanities and sciences. Prior to working in higher education Richard had a successful career in financial consultancy and in the further education sector.

Do you want to talk with more confidence in meetings and interviews? Or have more impact when speaking in public?

This confidential one-to-one coaching session will help you to:

  • refine your presentation skills
  • speak more confidently as an emerging leader in your research field
  • develop new approaches to your communication in a wide range of professional situations.

You will get constructive feedback on your speaking style, how you come across to others, and how well your ideas are communicated.

Coaching will focus on your individual requirements – these can include practical points about elocution and vocal projection, holding the attention of a room, and structuring a compelling presentation.

Postdocs drop-in sessions offer the opportunity for postdocs to come together, hear about the services that offer support for their partners and families, and learn from one another in a safe space.

The sessions are informal and designed to offer people the chance to share their experiences and challenges. Participants are encouraged to continue conversations and network with their fellow participants.

Postdocs Masterclass: Authentic Leadership new Thu 11 Mar 2021   11:00 Finished

Join this masterclass to explore some of the leadership myths which may impact your motivation to take on leadership roles in a research environment and beyond. We will first focus on demystifying leadership and finding diverse approaches more suited to the current climate. We will then identify relevant leadership frameworks and strengths which can help us find our authentic leadership approach in-line with our values and purpose. This masterclass aims to support you in your leadership journey and development.

The masterclass will include an interactive session with the chance to ask questions and share observations in a small group or through a Q&A.

This is part of the Postdocs Masterclass series - you may also be interested in Collaborations in Research:

Join this masterclass to identify the role of resilience, bravery, courage, and compassion to help you manage your research in an uncertain world. We will first explore how stressors, increased demands and high level of change can impact our drive, motivation, and outputs. We will then identify frameworks and coping strategies which can help us adapt and get things done. We will draw on research and best practice to develop our resilience and bravery and help us succeed in a human and compassionate way.

This masterclass aims to help you get prepared for the year ahead and manage transitions in your projects, career pathways or research environment. The masterclass will include an interactive session with the chance to ask questions and share observations in a small group or through a Q&A.

This is part of the Postdocs Masterclass series - you may also be interested in:

Postdocs Masterclass: Building Relationships & Teams new Tue 27 Apr 2021   11:00 Finished

Good relationships not only make work easier but can also enhance our everyday lives. Throughout this workshop we will look at what to monitor so your relationships stay healthy and fulfilling, how to have necessary difficult conversations, and how to start new relationships and teams on the right foot. Whether you’re managing a small team or working with just one other person, this workshop is for you.

The Speaker: Katie D’Arcy is a freelance trainer and careers coach. She has over 10 years’ experience working with PhDs and Postdocs across all disciplines, having previously worked in both Researcher Development and the Careers Service at the University of Cambridge. Her clients now include Cambridge, Imperial College London, several UKRI research groups, UCU, and individual researchers for one-to-one coaching.

Be sure to check out the other sessions in our Postdocs Masterclass series in the "Related Courses" section below!

Postdocs Masterclass: Collaborations in Research new Thu 27 May 2021   10:30 Finished

Collaboration can be one of the most rewarding aspects of a research career: bringing exciting perspectives and opportunities, enhanced productivity, access to resources and enduring relationships. It can also lead to some of our biggest challenges as we collaborate between disciplines, cultures, languages and hierarchies.

This session will be presented by Dr Tracey Stead, a leadership coach and facilitator specialising in working with researchers and facilitating the formation and development of research collaborations. Over the last 12 years she has worked with hundreds on researchers and research groups to write guidance on research collaborations, coach research leaders, facilitate research sandpits and networking events, and establish new and review existing collaborations.

In this interactive session, Tracey will share lessons learnt from the many researchers she has worked with, who have had both positive and negative experiences of collaboration. What do they wish they had known or done at the beginning? What advice would they give? How do they manage things now?

The session will have two parts:

A talk that will introduce advice and ideas on: Finding and making yourself visible to potential collaborators Establishing a collaborative relationship: what needs to be agreed? Keeping a collaboration on track and performing well

An opportunity for you to ask your own questions about research collaboration in a 45 min Q&A.

Postdocs Masterclass: Intercultural Communication new Thu 8 Jul 2021   10:30 Finished

Have you ever struggled with other colleagues’ styles of communication? Have you ever wondered why some people seem to use more formal language, or are more direct than others? Culture plays a big part in how we communicate: research in the 21st century is global, and research teams are intercultural. At the University of Cambridge postdocs are the most diverse group by nationality, representing almost 100 countries. Communicating across cultures means more than learning a foreign language. It takes conscious discipline to think about one’s own cultural assumptions and to try to make sense of others’.

This two-hour workshop will give you tools to help identify where national culture might be having an influence on your professional and social interactions, where common misunderstandings can occur, and how to address potential challenges, especially when most of it is now happening online. The content of the session is informed by research from intercultural studies and refers to culture as a framework of shared values, attitudes and behaviours. It explores the nature of generalisations and the relationship between culture and personal values. Join this workshop to learn more about the importance of cultural competence in interactions - find out more about the impact of cultural (national, regional, interdisciplinary etc.) differences on management styles, team dynamics, communication and more.

About the Speaker: Kasia graduated from the Technical University of Dresden where she gained a master’s degree in German as Foreign Language, French and Polish. As a result of her first-hand experience of seeing academic performance and work relationships flourish through greater appreciation of the different perspective of how we see the world, she helps students, researchers and staff fully embrace the potential of Cambridge’s international diversity through training and coaching. This involves design and delivery of talks, lectures and workshops for specific audiences (undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, visitors and staff) and supporting individuals on a one-to-one basis by helping them develop agile interpersonal skills. Outside the University, she works as a trainer and coach which enables her to bring the practical experience from training in the international corporate world into academia.

Postdocs Masterclass: Negotiation & Influencing Skills new Thu 17 Jun 2021   11:00 Finished

Do you consider yourself a good influencer or negotiator? When is it appropriate to negotiate and what are some of the key principles and skills that can enhance your influencing skills?

This interactive and participatory session will introduce you to key principles of influencing and negotiation that can be applied in day-to-day workplace situations and interactions and provide an opportunity to practice some of these skills in the session.

By the end of this session participants will:

  • explore key principles of influence
  • identify the difference between asking and negotiating
  • gain practical techniques for communicating with influence
  • identify the appropriate negotiating style for your context.

The Speaker: Daniela Bultoc is a Winner of the Times Higher Education Awards and recognised at a UK national level in three consecutive years for outstanding support for researchers and academics, a communities of practice expert, professional trainer and coach, Daniela is a highly regarded international researcher developer consultant who seeks to support and inspire researchers and academics to reach their potential in academia and beyond.

Be sure to check out the other sessions in our Postdocs Masterclass series in the "Related Courses" section below!

In the increasingly competitive field of fellowship funding, applications need to stand out immediately to capture reviewers’ interest and to maximise the chance of being funded.

This accelerated session, aimed at early career researchers, highlights key considerations in preparing a strong fellowship application. 

The session explores:

  •  desirability, feasibility and viability – planning your project
  •  what’s important to the funder
  • how applications are assessed
  • writing style - how to get noticed
  • project, person, place, partners – elements of successful fellowships
  • how to plan for impact – ‘so what’ , ‘now what’

The session will have two parts:

  • A talk that will last for 45-60 mins
  • An opportunity for you to ask your own questions a 30 min Q&A.  

The Speaker: Richard Henning Brodersen, Research Development Manager, Research Operations Office Richard leads the pre-award team for the School of Technology at Cambridge University. He has over 10 years’ experience supporting and co-writing research funding applications including fellowships, research grants and industry collaborations for a wide range of funders across the arts, humanities and sciences. Prior to working in higher education Richard had a successful career in financial consultancy and in the further education sector.

Be sure to check out the other sessions in our Postdocs Masterclass series in the "Related Courses" section below!

Postdocs Mid-Contract Check-in Thu 20 Jan 2022   12:00 Finished

This event is for postdocs near the mid-point of their current contract at Cambridge. The deadline for registering is 12th January 2022.

The session has been designed specifically for postdocs at this key career stage and the aim is help you to position yourself for the next stage of your career (in academia or otherwise). The session provides an opportunity for you to reflect on your professional development activities so far and share experiences with others at a similar stage. The session will include information, guidance and tools to support and empower you in your next steps by focusing on future goals and how you can use the remainder of your time to work towards them.  

This interactive online session will be broken down into 3 sections: 

1. Reflecting on your professional development activities to date and identifying further development you would like to achieve during the rest of your contract.

2. Sharing ideas of how to achieve your development goals with other mid-contract postdocs whilst focusing on key professional development topics specific for postdocs and sources of information, advice and support across the university.

3. Gaining tools to start action planning to ensure you know when and how to take the next steps during the remaining time as a postdoc.

These 3 sections will be covered in the first hour of the session. The final half hour will be open for those who wish to ask related questions and engage in informal discussion with the facilitators and other participants.

The event will be facilitated by members of the Postdoc Academy Researcher Development Team and Postdoc Careers Service.    Please book here, via UTBS, and complete this form  so that we can learn a bit about you and where you are in your career planning/professional development journey in advance of the event. This will help us to tailor the session to suit the current needs of participants. Your registration for this session will be approved upon our receipt of this form. The deadline for registering is 12th January 2022.

Postdocs Mid-Contract Check-in new Thu 15 Jul 2021   12:00 Finished

This event is for postdocs near the mid-point of their current contract at Cambridge.

The session has been designed specifically for postdocs at this key career stage and the aim is help you to position yourself for the next stage of your career (in academia or otherwise). The session provides an opportunity for you to reflect on your professional development activities so far and share experiences with others at a similar stage. The session will include information, guidance and tools to support you in your next steps by focusing on future goals and how you can use the remainder of your time to work towards them.  

This interactive online session will be broken down into 3 sections: 

1. Reflecting on your professional development activities to date and identifying further development you would like to achieve during the rest of your contract.

2. Sharing ideas of how to achieve your development goals with other mid-contract postdocs whilst focusing on key professional development topics specific for postdocs and sources of information, advice and support across the university.

3. Creating an individual action plan to ensure you know when and how to take the next steps during the remaining time as a postdoc.   These 3 sections will be covered in the first hour of the session. The final half hour will be open for those who wish to ask related questions and engage in informal discussion with the facilitators and other participants.

The event will be facilitated by members of the Postdoc Academy, the Postdoc Researcher Development Team and Postdoc Careers Service. By the end of the session, you will have created your own set of actions to help guide you in your next steps.    Please complete this form: so that we can learn a bit about you and where you are in your career planning/professional development journey in advance of the event. This will help us to tailor the session to suit the current needs of participants. Your registration for this session will be approved upon our receipt of this form

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