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Thu 18 Apr 2024
11:00 - 12:00

Venue: N/A - MS Teams

Provided by: Learning and Development


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Learning & Skills Mentor Level 4 and Coaching Professional Level 5 Apprenticeship Webinar

Thu 18 Apr 2024


This information webinar presents two new apprenticeships to the University:

Learning & Skills Mentor Level 4

Coaching Professional Level 5

The session is an opportunity for you to find out more about these new development opportunities that Cambridge is offering you and to ask any questions.

The Learning and Skills Mentor apprenticeship Level 4 is for individuals who support others with their learning and development towards agreed goals and will benefit any individual looking to develop their abilities as a mentor, team leader, coach, supervisor or manager. You must have a strong aspiration to support learners, along with a commitment to making the time to do so. You may have some pre-existing experience of informal mentoring, that can be built upon throughout the programme. This is a 15-month programme, and you will be expected to mentor at least 3 mentees on this programme.

The Coaching Professional Apprenticeship Level 5 aims to develop the capabilities of current or aspiring coaches, to allow them to develop a range of coaching skills. This is for individuals to work as an internal coach with a wide range of individuals and teams, to enhance their professional performance. Coaching is a way of leading in a non-directive manner, helping people to learn through listening and reflective open questions rather than instructing, giving advice or making suggestions. You will benefit from one-to-one coaching from experienced coach mentors and training the stretches and challenges the development of core coaching skills.

There are two options – a 17-month programme for those new to coaching and 15-month programme for those who have coaching experience. You will be expected to build up a minimum of 36 hours of coaching practice. The completion of the programme will demonstrate that you have acquired and applied the skills needed to be an effective coach.

We are looking to establish what interest there for either apprenticeship and hope that there will be sufficient interest to establish University-wide cohorts. By establishing University-wide cohorts, we are looking to encourage more departments to use apprenticeships as a way to provide focused professional development for staff.

The OCM Group, our approved training provider for these programmes, will deliver the webinar and will be available to answer any questions or concerns that you may have before submitting an expression of interest.

Programme details of each apprenticeship can be found via the links below:

Learning & Skills Mentor Level 4

Coaching Professional Level 5

There is a minimum of 8 people required for each programme, for a cohort to run. Depending on the level of interest shown, it is intended that these apprenticeship cohorts will start mid-2024. However, you will also have the opportunity to join an open (public) cohort if we are unable to reach sufficient numbers for a closed cohort. Entry to these cohorts will be by application and is open to all University employees who meet the eligibility criteria.

A link to the session will be sent with the joining instructions when your booking is confirmed.

Further information from the provider, the OCM Group.

Apprenticeship guidance.

Target audience
  • Typical roles may include Team Leader, Mentor, PI’s, Post Doc’s, Academics, anyone with supervisory experience and University managers of interested staff.
  • These apprenticeships are aimed at people who are and include supporting/mentoring, managing and developing team members.
  • Specific responsibilities and job titles will vary, but you must be employed in a relevant role, and have the opportunity to practise coaching in the workplace.

Number of sessions: 1

# Date Time Venue Trainers
1 Thu 18 Apr 2024   11:00 - 12:00 11:00 - 12:00 N/A - MS Teams Leonie Isaacson,  Colin Long



To be eligible for a place on the apprenticeship programme applicants must be:

  • A University employee will be required to be employed on a minimum fixed-term contract to cover the duration of the chosen apprenticeship from the first day of the programme.
  • Working in a role that enables the learning to be put into practice
  • Supported by a manager

UK and EEA citizens are eligible for funding if they are a citizen of the UK or a country within the European Economic Area (EEA) and have been ordinarily resident in the for at least the previous three years on the first day of the apprenticeship. Non-EEA citizens are eligible for funding if they have permission from the UK government to live in the UK (not for educational purposes), and have been ordinarily resident in the UK for at least the previous three years before the start of the apprenticeship.

In addition, the individual and manager must commit to 20% off-the-job training and development.

Apprenticeships Website

Apprenticeship Standards


One hour session

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