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All Postdoc Academy courses

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Showing courses 41-65 of 132
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World-leading research depends on the connections researchers make to share ideas, pose new questions, challenge assumptions, and form collaborations.

Cambridge has a range of networks, initiatives, and centres to promote interdisciplinary working and connect researchers across the University.

This event will give postdocs a chance to find out about these networks and the opportunities they offer – from meeting new people and establishing collaborations, to developing and funding your own interdisciplinary projects.

You can find a list of the featured networks below.

For a brief introduction about these interdisciplinary networks, please see the short video: What impact will your next connection have?

This short, interactive workshop will introduce you to practical tools that will help you test and refine how you are articulating your research vision.

We will not generate ideas for new research projects in the session but, rather, explore what makes a potential research topic compelling. We will also explore how you can assess whether your ideas add up to a vision that is bold, exciting, coherent, and – hopefully – fundable.

This session would benefit researchers at the initial stages of developing a proposal for funding, and may work well as preparation for one of our sessions on Writing Fellowship Grants with Impact.

We will not review specific funding schemes or application materials in this workshop.

Please note: it is important that when you book this course, on the booking confirmation page, select Add to Calendar to start importing the appointment to your calendar.

Collaboration is highly valued in research today and is responsible for many of the most important modern advances in knowledge and understanding.

This webinar aims to help you plan and maintain your research collaboration successfully, so both you and your collaborators can enjoy and benefit from the journey.

In this 2-hour online masterclass, we’ll consider:

  • the advantages and barriers to a collaborative approach
  • what drives successful collaborations
  • the ‘rules’ and process of planning, establishing, managing and working together
  • partnerships outside of academia
  • what you can do if things aren’t working out.

This session will require your input so you should have your camera and microphone on and come prepared to be an active participant.

Please note: it is important that when you book this course, on the booking confirmation page, select Add to Calendar to start importing the appointment to your calendar.

Postdoc Academy Masterclass: Effective Collaborations new Wed 24 May 2023   14:00 Finished

Collaboration is highly valued in research today and is responsible for many of the most important modern advances in knowledge and understanding.

This webinar aims to help you plan and maintain your research collaboration successfully, so both you and your collaborators can enjoy and benefit from the journey.

In this 2-hour online masterclass, we’ll consider:

  • the advantages and barriers to a collaborative approach
  • what drives successful collaborations
  • the ‘rules’ and process of planning, establishing, managing and working together
  • partnerships outside of academia
  • what you can do if things aren’t working out.

This session will require your input so you should have your camera and microphone on and come prepared to be an active participant.

Our core values define what is most important to us, but few of us spend time consciously exploring these.

Understanding whether our goals, aspirations, decisions and actions align with our values can help us to identify what motivates us. This can also help us understand when and why we experience joy or frustration in our day-to-day lives.

In this one-hour interactive masterclass, you will be given time and space to:

  • reflect on your personal values and what is important to you
  • consider how you can better satisfy these values in your work and personal life
  • support (and receive support from) your peers.

Would you like to be more deliberate about what you say yes to, and become more confident at saying no?

In this interactive 90-minute masterclass, you will gain insights into:

  • creating a strategic approach to saying yes
  • negotiating your workload
  • building confidence to say no to requests.

You will have the opportunity to explore how you can apply the theory in practice, and to discuss the challenges of saying no in an academic setting.

Postdoc Academy Masterclass: Introduction to Lean new Tue 11 Jun 2024   14:00 Finished

This short, interactive session will introduce the fundamental principles of Lean - a methodology which prioritises continuous improvement and respect for people.

Lean is a philosophy and way of working which removes waste from activities and ensures that emphasis is given to tasks that provide added value. Originally developed by Toyota, it is now widely used across many sectors including the NHS and Higher Education.

During this masterclass for postdocs, you will:

  • gain a high-level understanding of continuous improvement tools and techniques, and how you can apply them
  • develop skills to identify and remove waste in your day-to-day activities to become more effective and efficient.

Please note: it is important that when you book this course, on the booking confirmation page, select Add to Calendar to start importing the appointment to your calendar.

Postdoc Academy Masterclass: Introduction to Lean new Thu 8 Jun 2023   10:30 Finished

This short, interactive session will introduce the fundamental principles of Lean - a methodology which prioritises continuous improvement and respect for people.

Lean is a philosophy and way of working which removes waste from activities and ensures that emphasis is given to tasks that provide added value. Originally developed by Toyota, it is now widely used across many sectors including the NHS and Higher Education.

During this masterclass for postdocs, you will:

  • gain a high-level understanding of continuous improvement tools and techniques, and how you can apply them
  • develop skills to identify and remove waste in your day-to-day activities to become more effective and efficient.

This workshop will introduce you to a range of core project management principles which you can apply within your research projects to more effectively plan and monitor your activities.

In this 3-hour online session, you will:

  • examine how to define the scope of a research project, including the delivery of outputs, impact and knowledge exchange
  • discuss how to engage and manage the expectations of stakeholders to enable smooth project delivery
  • explore how your planning and monitoring of research projects is shaped by your methodologies and the expectations of funders
  • learn to use key planning, risk management and monitoring tools to effectively manage research projects
  • identify your own challenges in managing research projects and discuss ways to overcome them.

Please note: it is important that when you book this course, on the booking confirmation page, select Add to Calendar to start importing the appointment to your calendar.

Postdoc Academy Masterclass: Master Time and Focus new Thu 9 Nov 2023   15:00 Finished

Would you like to focus better on the work that is important to you? Do you find you have too many distractions and struggle to prioritise?

In this 1-hour online session, you will learn techniques to help you:

  • enhance your focus on your most important work
  • reduce distraction and prioritise more effectively
  • establish daily habits to relieve stress, reduce self-criticism and strengthen resilience
  • create space to recognise your achievements each day.

The session is followed by a 4-day Nudge Course. This provides one technique per day to help you convert the techniques you’ve learned into useful habits.

For 48 hours following the session, you will also have the opportunity to contact Joy, a mental health nurse with over 40 years’ experience. Joy will offer a confidential listening ear and signpost you to further support.

Postdoc Academy Masterclass: Mini Recharge and Refocus new Mon 11 Dec 2023   15:00 Finished

How much could a high quality break help you recharge, reduce stress, and improve your focus?

During this 30-minute session, you will:

  • join a 5-minute guided Mini Mindfulness practice - recharge your mind
  • plan a 'Deep Work' focus hour for this week - protect time for quality focus
  • plan a high quality restorative break for the next 24 hours - find valuable perspective.

PLEASE NOTE: You must complete the facilitator's Zoom registration form to access your personalised meeting link. See joining instructions for further details.

Explore agile ways to respond to uncertainty and increase your research impact in this 90-minute online masterclass.

Research projects can often be complex and unpredictable. This training will support you to develop your own decision making in this uncertain environment.

The session will focus on four types of agility for research impact:

  • environment scanning
  • stakeholder/partner engagement strategies
  • responding to complex problems effectively and efficiently
  • developing an agile mindset.

It will include interactive elements, with the opportunity to reflect on your own practice and share your experiences.

The session will be delivered by Natacha Wilson from Cambridge Insights.

Do you know when it is appropriate to negotiate, and how to do this effectively? Would you like to improve your skills in communicating with influence?

This interactive session will introduce you to key principles of influencing and negotiation that can be applied in workplace situations.

In this 90-minute session, you will:

  • explore key principles of negotiation
  • identify the difference between asking and negotiating
  • gain practical techniques for communicating with influence
  • identify the appropriate negotiating style for your context.

You will have the opportunity to practice some of these skills in the session. To make the most of this session, we recommend that you come prepared to participate in discussions and activities.

Do you know when it is appropriate to negotiate, and how to do this effectively? Would you like to improve your skills in communicating with influence?

This interactive session will introduce you to key principles of influencing and negotiation that can be applied in workplace situations.

In this 90-minute session, you will:

  • explore key principles of negotiation
  • identify the difference between asking and negotiating
  • gain practical techniques for communicating with influence
  • identify the appropriate negotiating style for your context.

You will have the opportunity to practice some of these skills in the session. To make the most of this session, we recommend that you come prepared to participate in discussions and activities.

Have you ever walked into a meeting and questioned your right to be there? Or taken on a new job and then felt you weren’t really the right person for it?

For many people, this is a common life experience and one which can be quite debilitating if left unchecked. This session focuses on identifying the set behaviours that are often referred to as ‘imposter syndrome’, and the implications they can have for yourself and your work environment.

During this session, you will:

  • find out more about ‘imposter syndrome’ and its prevalence among researchers and academics
  • identify the impact it can have on you and your work
  • learn about different ways to overcome it and thrive by being at your best.

Please note: it is important that when you book this course, on the booking confirmation page, select Add to Calendar to start importing the appointment to your calendar.

Do you find it difficult to stay on track in the pursuit of your career aspirations? Or would you like to improve your ability to set achievable goals?

In this one-hour interactive masterclass, you will:

  • learn to apply a well-established goal-setting technique (SMART goals) that will support you in realising your career aspirations
  • have the opportunity to discuss and develop your long- and short-term goals with support from your peers
  • acquire strategies for holding yourself accountable.

By the end of this session, you should have developed at least one goal that will lead to progress within your overall career plan and strategies for holding yourself accountable.

The session will give you protected time, space and support to develop your goals.

Please note: It is important that when you book this course, on the booking confirmation page, select Add to Calendar to start importing the appointment to your calendar.

We humans are storytelling animals. We have evolved with and through stories, sharing vital information about food sources and dangers but also morality and values, thereby bringing communities together.

In this information age, can the ancestral art of storytelling help researchers to better communicate their work?

In this 1-hour webinar, you will learn:

  • the functions and principles of storytelling
  • how to harness the power of storytelling to enhance your research communication, from public engagement events to job and grant interviews
  • the relevance of different storytelling elements for different media (talks, podcasts, videos, written articles)
  • the limitations of science storytelling.

Please note: it is important that when you book this course, on the booking confirmation page, select Add to Calendar to start importing the appointment to your calendar.

Postdoc Academy Masterclass: Time and Focus new Wed 3 May 2023   14:00 Finished

Would you like to focus better on the work that is important to you? Do you find you have too many distractions and struggle to prioritise?

In this 1-hour online session, you will learn techniques to help you:

  • enhance your focus on your most important work
  • reduce distraction and prioritise more effectively
  • establish daily habits to relieve stress, reduce self-criticism and strengthen resilience
  • create space to recognise your achievements each day.

The session is followed by a 4-day Nudge Course. This provides one technique per day to help you convert the techniques you’ve learned into useful habits.

For 48 hours following the session, you will also have the opportunity to contact Joy, a mental health nurse with over 40 years’ experience. Joy will offer a confidential listening ear and signpost you to further support.

Postdoc Academy Masterclass: Time & Focus Power Habits new Wed 29 May 2024   12:00 Finished

Have you ever wondered what you could achieve with more effective time management habits? Join us to find out!

In this 1-hour session, you will:

  • learn power habits to improve your work productivity
  • create a timetable that protects deep work and a healthier work-life balance
  • reset your inbox habits to help you manage your workload and team relationships more effectively
  • plan daily restorative breaks to recharge your focus and calm your mind.

During the session you will be applying the techniques to your calendar and inbox in real time, setting up protective processes that you can benefit from immediately.

Please note: It is important that when you book this course, on the booking confirmation page, select Add to Calendar to start importing the appointment to your calendar.

PLEASE NOTE: You must complete the facilitator's Zoom registration form to access your personalised meeting link. See joining instructions for further details.

In the increasingly competitive field of fellowship funding, your applications need to stand out immediately.

During this online masterclass for early career researchers, you'll learn key considerations for preparing a strong fellowship application. 

The session will explore:

  • desirability, feasibility and viability
  • what’s important to the funder
  • elements of successful applications
  • how to plan for impact.

It will consist of a 60-minute talk, followed by 30 minutes for you to ask questions.

Please note: It is important that when you book this course, on the booking confirmation page, select Add to Calendar to start importing the appointment to your calendar.

In the increasingly competitive field of fellowship funding, your applications need to stand out immediately.

During this online masterclass for early career researchers, you'll learn key considerations for preparing a strong fellowship application. 

The session will explore:

  • desirability, feasibility and viability
  • what’s important to the funder
  • elements of successful applications
  • and how to plan for impact.

It will consist of a 60-minute talk and an opportunity to ask questions.

In the increasingly competitive field of fellowship funding, applications need to stand out immediately to capture reviewers’ interest and to maximise the chance of being funded. This accelerated session, aimed at early career researchers, highlights key considerations in preparing a strong fellowship application.  The session explores: desirability, feasibility and viability, planning your project, what’s important to the funder, how applications are assessed, writing style - how to get noticed, project, person, place, partners – elements of successful fellowships, how to plan for impact – ‘so what’, ‘now what’. The session will have two parts: a talk that will last for 45-60 mins, then an opportunity for you to ask your own questions a 30 min Q&A.   

Speaker Info: Richard Henning Brodersen (Research Development Manager, Research Operations Office) leads the pre-award team for the School of Technology at the University of Cambridge. He has over 10 years’ experience supporting and co-writing research funding applications including fellowships, research grants and industry collaborations for a wide range of funders across the arts, humanities and sciences. Prior to working in higher education Richard had a successful career in financial consultancy and in the further education sector.

Postdoc Academy Workshop: Creativity in Research new Wed 24 Jan 2024   09:30 Finished

Creativity is a critical part of research, helping people look at old problems in new ways.

In this practical workshop for postdocs, we will explore:

  • creativity as a way of operating rather than a talent
  • tools and techniques to boost your creative confidence
  • how to apply creative thinking to your own research questions.

To get the most out of the session, think of a particular problem or challenge in your research that you would like to work on creatively in the workshop. You might find the breakthrough you’ve been looking for!

Many believe that emotional intelligence (EQ) is a better predictor of success in the workplace than IQ. The good news is that EQ can be developed and improved over time.

In this two-part interactive workshop, you will gain an understanding of the key skills needed to develop your emotional intelligence – managing your own emotions and the emotions of others.

Through activities and discussions, you’ll reflect on your default behaviour in workplace situations and explore your strengths and areas for further development.

In this second 2-hour session, you will gain insights into:

  • social awareness: understanding the emotions of others, empathy and active listening, managing relationships
  • relationship management: effective communication, motivating and influencing others.

Book a space on part one of this workshop here

Although parts one and two can be attended separately, we recommend participating in both.

Once your attendance has been confirmed, you will be invited to attend an optional follow-up group coaching session to enhance and consolidate your learning. This virtual session is scheduled for 14:00-15:30 on Monday 20th March.

Many believe that emotional intelligence (EQ) is a better predictor of success in the workplace than IQ. The good news is that EQ can be developed and improved over time.

In this two-part interactive workshop, you will gain an understanding of the key skills needed to develop your emotional intelligence – managing your own emotions and the emotions of others.

Through activities and discussions, you’ll reflect on your default behaviour in workplace situations and explore your strengths and areas for further development.

In this first 2-hour session, you will gain insights into:

  • self-awareness: understanding and managing your emotions, recognising triggers, and managing stress
  • self-regulation: developing emotional self-control.

Book a space on part two of this workshop here

Although parts one and two can be attended separately, we recommend participating in both.

Once your attendance has been confirmed, you will be invited to attend an optional follow-up group coaching session to enhance and consolidate your learning. This virtual session is scheduled for 14:00-15:30 on Monday 20th March.

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