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Tue 12 Dec 2023
10:30 - 11:00

Venue: MS Teams Video Chat

Provided by: Language Centre


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JTC: Study Abroad Advice VIA MS Teams Video Chat

Tue 12 Dec 2023


A 30 minute appointment with a Language Adviser VIA MS TEAMS VIDEO CHAT to explore intensive language courses abroad for your specific requirements. We can offer pointers for evaluating the options available and share information gleaned from students' feedback on courses that they have attended.

Target audience

All University members, staff as well as students.


In order to confirm your booking, you will need to fulfil the follow pre-requisites;

  • In the first instance please consult the Study Abroad Moodle site.
  • We will then send you a follow-up email to see if this has answered your query.
  • If not, we will ask you to respond by email with a brief description of your query. If we are unable to answer your query, we will then proceed with the appointment.

Number of sessions: 1

# Date Time Venue Trainer
1 Tue 12 Dec 2023   10:30 - 11:00 10:30 - 11:00 MS Teams Video Chat Heather Buss

To provide learners with personal advice tailored to their individual language interests and particular stage of learning. To give learners the sense that they have thoroughly researched their options and made a good final decision.


One 30 minute session.

Language Advising Appointments

Booking / availability