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All Cambridge University Library Staff Learning & Development courses

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Showing courses 21-45 of 51
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This session will provide an introduction to implicit or unconscious bias and will help you start to understand how our biases influence the decisions we make. These may include decisions around recruitment, selection, assessment and broader interactions with others. The session will include tutor input and group activities to raise awareness about how to recognise and begin to manage the impact of implicit bias. We will also consider further sources of guidance to support individuals in their roles with specific responsibilities e.g. for managing others, teaching etc.

If you would like to book onto this event, please book on to the Equality and Diversity page via this link

L&D will contact workshop attendees approximately 3 months after the training with some basic questions to see how effective found the training and how training learnt from has been applied into work practice.

This is an interactive workshop, designed to help new staff learn more about the Cambridge University Library and meet some of the key people who work in it.

Staff will take part in some fun activities to learn more about other departments within the Cambridge University Libraries, have a presentation from a member of the Leadership Team about the wider workings of the University and have time to check their HR24 Induction Checklists and meet other new starters. Designed to be more informal, this workshop is a great opportunity to meet other staff, make contacts and ask any questions that you may have come across in your first month of employment.

An interactive workshop, focusing on providing service for both internal (colleagues) and external (readers) customers.

The course is designed to give participants an overview of Lean six sigma thinking as applied within Higher Education, and an explanation of some of the basic tools used to improve business processes.

Managers Briefings: Return to Work Discussions

This session is designed give managers a brief overview of how to effectively conduct a Return to Work (RTW) discussion following the HR for Managers workshop. The session will cover the newly introduced RTW discussion template, and will also allow an opportunity for questions.

Many managers attempt to ‘project manage’ their way through change, deal with uncertainty when it happens or try and ignore it altogether. Such managers then seem surprised by the backlash and resistance they get from their staff! Most managers would like change to be easier and less time consuming. Most managers would like to plan effectively even in times of uncertainty.

This workshop will give you a range of practical and thought-provoking tools, tips and techniques to help you lead and facilitate changes more effectively

This workshop is aimed at budget managers and is designed to meet the following objectives:

  • Define “budgets” and why we set them
  • Setting and monitoring budgets
  • Explain budgeting in the University including sources of income
  • Analyse a budget report and understand variances

Led by Simon Halliday, Facilities Management Supervisor, colleagues will learn important health and safety regarding manual handling. Register your interest for this training and Simon Halliday will be in contact regarding times and dates suitable for training.

Intensive Higher Education mental health awareness and skills course

A session focusing on the procedures for dealing with mould and insect identification.

Briefing for all new CUL Managers to understand the range of HR policies

Outline Programme

13.30 Refreshments

14.00 Getting started

14.15 Brief introduction – Marjolein Allen

14.25 Why the change?/ Linking to roadmap/ CUL strategy – Rose Giles

14.35 Hopes & concerns – pairs exercise Also - What is working well? / needs to change?

15.00 Excellent Reader Service – Pairs/groups exercise

15.30 Refreshments

15.50 Feedback – excellent reader service

16.00 Making it happen? What do we need to start, stop & continue doing?

17.00 Way forward/close

17.15 Finish

The programme is designed to be flexible and to respond to emerging issues.

Recommended for those responsible for the recruitment and selection of staff, who are interested in developing further skills in this area. This course prepares you to effectively carry out the recruitment and selection process taking you through the stages of producing a person specification, short listing effectively against selection criteria, designing questions, structuring and conducting interviews, and making the final decision. University policies and procedures will also be covered.

This session is designed give all staff a brief overview of Return to Work (RTW) discussions and paperwork. The session will cover the newly introduced RTW discussion template, and will also allow an opportunity for questions.

Many managers attempt to ‘project manage’ their way through change, deal with uncertainty when it happens or try and ignore it altogether. Such managers then seem surprised by the backlash and resistance they get from their staff! Most managers would like change to be easier and less time consuming. Most managers would like to plan effectively even in times of uncertainty.

This workshop will give you a range of practical and thought-provoking tools, tips and techniques to help you lead and facilitate changes more effectively

A Facilitate Event focusing on the new strategy for Cambridge University Libraries

Cambridge University Libraries Staff : SRD Review new Tue 27 Feb 2018   14:00 Finished

A facilitated workshop, to review the Cambridge University Library Staff Review and Development (SRD) Processes.

An overview of the changes to the Cambridge University Libraries Staff Review and Development Process

A briefing session on the Cambridge University Libraries Staff Review and Development Process

One to one and staff review and development (SRD) meetings are a crucial aspect of the organisations approach to performance management and key to the way in which we manage our people.

This workshop is aimed at the skills needed to facilitate great meetings, but more importantly, explains the positive benefits in behaviour and motivation that can be achieved through these discussions.

It can however be daunting and the course is intended to help you understand the context of SRD and build confidence in managing the process.

SRD is fundamentally a positive relationship building event between the manager and staff member. The skills and techniques that make this possible will be reviewed during this course.

Outline Content:

• Understanding SRD and its role in performance management • Linking to your one to ones • Setting good SMART objectives • Understanding the system in the University • Structuring the SRD • What makes a successful meeting? • Giving feedback & discussing performance • Dealing with challenges and unwilling people • Closing the SRD on a high • Personal actions

An interactive workshop covering the basics of project management.

A drop-in session for Cambridge University Staff who are interested to learn more about management, team leading and other apprenticeships.

Reality Alert for Managers…

There will always be too much to do within the time available! We cannot manage time, but we can manage ourselves and our workload within the time we do have. The trick is to get better at your P.I.E. management!

Most managers would like to organise themselves more effectively whilst helping their team to develop and achieve more. This, in turn, can help to reduce stress levels and enhance the feeling of wellbeing.

This course is designed to help give you confidence when managing people through difficult situations, to hone your skills further and highlight any areas that may require further development.


Difficult? - Understanding difficulty - What can cause difficult behaviour/performance issues? - Developing empathy/Stepping back - Personality Style: Difficult or just Different? - Difficult situations: examples

Feedback - Purpose and Pitfalls - The four feedback factors - Giving feedback effectively

Behaviour/Performance Management - Managing difficult behaviours: Foundations - The One-to-One: The CHANGE model - Approaches to difficult people and situations - Handling defensiveness - Know when to involve HR

Action Planning.

Whilst the importance of coaching is widely recognised it is important to maintain the organisations mentoring capability. Be this formal mentoring where the mentor has been assigned or using mentoring skill in a more day to day conversational way having people who are skilled at providing guidance and developing people can have a marked effect on organisational performance . The workshop is suitable for anybody with either a formal or informal role as a mentor and also for line managers wishing to develop this skill. The workshop can be a way of developing a mentoring culture across the organisation or for specific departments or service areas.

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