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Instructor-led course

Provided by: Researcher Development Programme (RDP)

This course is not scheduled to run.

Events available

Starting Your PhD (STEMM)


You are beginning one of the most exciting, yet challenging programme of your academic career. You have entered a new lab, with a new supervisor, new lab colleagues and a new project. Where do you start? How do you establish productive working relationships, get up to speed with literature and establish a project that will be worthy of a PhD at the end? This two hour workshop will explore what it means to do a PhD, think about how to establish meaningful student-supervisor relationships and plan for a productive PhD project.

Target audience

First year PhD students in Life Sciences, Physical Sciences and Technology.
Further details regarding eligibility criteria are available here.


This course will be facilitated online via Zoom, please ensure you have access.

  • Explore what it means to do a PhD
  • Gain an understanding of what a good student-supervisor relationship looks like
  • Discuss tips and resources available to students throughout their PhD, particularly during times of uncertainty
  • Learn how to interact with other members of the lab and/or university in an effective manner.

Online participative workshop (Zoom), comprising information-giving and activities.


One 2 hour session


This course is scheduled to run twice in Michaelmas term.

Events available