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All University Information Services - Staff Learning & Development courses

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UIS is offering new members the chance to join a virtual speed mentoring event. This energetic learning and networking activity will provide the opportunity to speak to some of UIS’ senior leaders and managers from different disciplines.

UIS mentors involved with the event:

  • Ian Leslie - Director
  • Simon Redhead – Systems Development Manager
  • Kate Livingstone – Head of Digital Transformation
  • Hazel Johannessen – Portfolio Manager
  • Alex Blandford – Lead Product Manager
  • Rachel Coleman – Head of Enterprise Database Application

UIS is offering everyone the chance to join a virtual speed mentoring event. This dynamic learning and networking activity will provide the opportunity to speak to some of UIS’ senior leaders and managers from diverse disciplines.

UIS mentors involved with the event:

  • Ian Leslie - Director
  • Chris Russell – Chief Operating Officer
  • Gabby Ahmadi Assalemi – Deputy Chief Information Security Officer
  • David Marshall – User Research & Data Science Team Lead
  • Annie Horner – Sr. Delivery Manager
  • Simon Redhead - Systems Development manager

Mentoring can be a really useful tool in supporting colleagues to develop their professional lives and careers, in both roles as a mentor and mentee. UIS facilitates a mentoring scheme exclusively for the University's IT community and UIS' internal staff.

This is a self-taught course (Unit 1) and part of UIS' Mentoring training journey, for all mentees and mentors enrolled in the 2021-22 programme Complete Unit 1 before attending the in-person workshop (Unit 2: Mentoring in practice)

For Mentors: Read the PPD Mentoring Guide and we highly recommend reading the following pages:

  • Role of the mentor
  • Questioning skills
  • First meeting
  • Grow Technique

For Mentees: Read the PPD Mentoring Guide and we highly recommend reading the following pages:

  • Role of the mentee
  • Setting SMART objectives
UIS new joiners welcome event new Thu 21 Apr 2022   14:30 Finished

New colleagues to UIS are invited to join a welcome event to meet our Chief Operating Officer, Steve Riley and members from our Administration and HR Office.

UIS new joiners welcome event new Thu 20 Oct 2022   14:30 Finished

New colleagues to UIS are invited to join a welcome event to meet our Chief Operating Officer, Steve Riley and members from our Administration and HR Office.

This workshop is mainly for UIS colleagues who have recently been appointed with line management responsibilities and are new to the role of managing staff and teams.

In this 2 hours online session, you'll learn techniques for creating your service roadmap and how to iterate it regularly.

In this 90-minute session, we'll cover GDS roles and how they operate in context. We'll also explain how BA and service manager roles fit within in GDS environment. To successfully build and run a service, you need to have a multi-disciplinary team with a range of skills. The size of your team and the roles you need will change during the different phases of development.

Mental Health Day is an opportunity for all of us to raise awareness of mental health issues and advocate against social stigma.

As part of UIS' Wellbeing initiative, Zara Sheldrake will present a Staff Seminar on wellbeing in the workplace. She'll explain key facts and theories around mental health, the added challenges of Covid-19 and how to look out for signs and symptoms of stress within ourselves and our colleagues, providing practical tips and advice to help you and those around you.

Unconscious Bias happens automatically, without conscious control, when our brains make quick judgements or assessments about people and situations. Combatting unconscious bias isn’t about blame. It’s about accountability.

This session will provide an introduction to implicit or unconscious bias and will help you start to understand how our biases influence the decisions we make.

In preparation for the launch of the refreshed UIS Staff Review and Development (SRD) process, a series of drop-in sessions have been scheduled to allow reviewers and reviewees to ask questions. The sessions are entirely optional and will be held both in-person and via MS Teams.

Please book onto your preferred session and join anytime to ask your question(s). We will make a note of all questions and answers and add these to our SRD guidance document.

In advance of attending, we encourage you to review the guidance and materials available on the UIS intranet.

Further sessions will be scheduled if there is a lot of interest from colleagues.

  • This is the In Person Face to Face version of the | Live Online Microsoft Teams - Getting Started course.

In preparation for the launch of the refreshed UIS Staff Review and Development (SRD) process, a series of drop-in sessions have been scheduled to allow reviewers and reviewees to ask questions. The sessions are entirely optional and will be held both in-person and via MS Teams.

Please book onto your preferred session and join anytime to ask your question(s). We will make a note of all questions and answers and add these to our SRD guidance document.

In advance of attending, we encourage you to review the guidance and materials available on the UIS intranet.

Further sessions will be scheduled if there is a lot of interest from colleagues.

Please Note: It is important that when you book on this course, on your booking confirmation page, click on Add to Calendar to start the process to import the course appointment into your calendar. This contains the link to the MS Teams course meeting under Joining Instructions that you will use to join on the day of the course.

UIS Staff Summer Garden Gathering new Thu 9 Sep 2021   13:00 Finished

It’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other in person and as the pandemic restrictions are easing, we’d like to celebrate the end of the summer with an informal outdoor gathering at Fitzwilliam College Grove and Chapel Lawn.

Afternoon tea style food, individually boxed to include:

  • Freshly made white and wholemeal bread finger sandwiches (variety of vegan, vegetarian, fish and meat fillings)
  • Meat and vegan sausage rolls
  • Fruit and plain scones with clotted cream and strawberry jam (vegan scones with cream can be provided on request)
  • Mini choux buns
  • Victoria sponge
  • Mini tray baked cakes
  • Juice

Followed by tea and coffee

An outdoor bar is also available to purchase a selection of soft and alcoholic drinks

UIS Staff Summer Garden Get-together new Fri 29 Jul 2022   13:00 Finished

Celebrate summer with your UIS colleagues at an informal outdoor gathering at Fitzwilliam College Grove and Chapel Lawn.

There will be an afternoon tea-style lunch, tea, coffee and soft drinks for you to enjoy. An outdoor bar is also available to purchase (with card) a selection of alcoholic drinks of your choice.

UIS staff tour of West Cambridge Data Centre new Wed 6 Jul 2022   11:30 Finished

Interested in seeing the inside of our West Cambridge Data Centre and understand more about how this is run and the innovative features reducing the energy usage? Then this is for you. Ritchie Carter will guide a small group of UIS staff around the West Cambridge Data Centre (WCDC).

Note that due to ongoing works in the WCDC, the group size is very limited. If there is sufficient demand as gauged via the waiting list, additional sessions may be able to be arranged later in the year

UIS staff tour of West Cambridge Data Centre new Thu 7 Jul 2022   11:30 Finished

Interested in seeing the inside of our West Cambridge Data Centre and understand more about how this is run and the innovative features reducing the energy usage? Then this is for you. Ritchie Carter will guide a small group of UIS staff around the West Cambridge Data Centre (WCDC).

Note that due to ongoing works in the WCDC, the group size is very limited. If there is sufficient demand as gauged via the waiting list, additional sessions may be able to be arranged later in the year

UIS staff training: interactive workshop for Buddies new Wed 6 Dec 2023   11:00 Finished

A workshop exclusively for UIS colleagues who have been nominated to be buddies to support our new joiners.

Time to Talk Day 2020 is an opportunity for all of us to raise awareness of mental health issues and advocate against social stigma.

As part of the UIS Wellbeing initiative we are very pleased to invite Hisham Ziauddeen a Clinical Senior Research Associate in the Department of Psychiatry and the University’s Wellbeing and Disability Champion to deliver a talk on Optimising Brain Functioning. He is a consultant psychiatrist working in early intervention in psychosis.

He will talk about how we model other minds and how we manage the cost of mental functioning. He will particularly discuss the impact of work and other stress and the phenomenon of burnout. These are complex problems that don’t have simple solutions but there are a range of things that may help and these will be discussed along the way.

What is the Search Inside Yourself programme?

The Search Inside Yourself (SIY) programme will teach emotional intelligence skills that lead to sustained peak performance, strong collaboration, and effective leadership.

Search Inside Yourself was born at Google from a dream to change the world. It began in 2007 when a team of leading experts in mindfulness, neuroscience and emotional intelligence developed an internal course for fellow Google employees. It quickly became an incredibly popular training program within Google as well as other corporate, non-profit and government organisations around the world

The mindfulness and emotional intelligence skills you'll learn will help you:

  • Experience greater well-being, resilience and stress management
  • Improve performance, collaboration and empathy
  • Increase effectiveness and decision-making capacity
  • Cultivate innovative, creative thinking
  • Build more effective relationships

The Wellbeing Team invite UIS staff to join them for an open discussion on stress management. The group discussion will provide the opportunity to share thoughts, ideas and techniques for managing stress. Participants from the recent Search Inside Yourself training event will share some of their learnings from the wellbeing training programme.

UIS Training: Essential Agile Scrum Training new Fri 4 Mar 2022   09:00 Finished

An introduction to Agile Scrum’s structures and processes.

UIS Training: Scrum Master Training new Unscheduled Not bookable

In this session we will look at the core competencies of a Scrum Master; what they do any why, and how this fits into the wider context of Scrum.

UIS Wellbeing: Search Inside Yourself Programme new Tue 6 Dec 2022   09:00 Finished

What is the Search Inside Yourself programme?

The Search Inside Yourself (SIY) programme is a popular immersive leadership programme born in Google and based on Emotional Intelligence, Neuroscience and Mindfulness. SIY will teach emotional intelligence skills that lead to sustained peak performance, strong collaboration, and effective leadership.

The mindfulness and emotional intelligence skills you'll learn will help you:

Experience greater well-being, resilience and stress management Improve performance, collaboration and empathy Increase effectiveness and decision-making capacity Cultivate innovative, creative thinking Build more effective relationships

Join us on a captivating journey through the career of our Chief Operating Officer, as we uncover new dimensions of leadership, empathy, and success. In this engaging and thought-provoking session, our COO will share his personal and professional insights, experiences, and challenges, from their early beginnings to their current role at the forefront of our organisation. Whether you are a seasoned executive or a budding professional, this journey will broaden your horizons and reveal new opportunities for growth and impact.

As part of the UIS Wellbeing initiative, we are very pleased to invite Hisham Ziauddeen a Clinical Senior Research Associate in the Department of Psychiatry and the University’s Wellbeing and Disability Champion to deliver a talk on 'Optimising Brain Functioning'. He is a consultant psychiatrist working in early intervention in psychosis.

He will talk about how we model our minds and how we manage the cost of mental functioning. He will particularly discuss the impact of work and other stress and the phenomenon of burnout. These are complex problems that have got even more complex with COVID-19 and they don’t have simple solutions but there are some ways we can ease them.

The 4 March is University Mental Health Day which aims to bring together the university community to make mental health a university-wide priority and create ongoing year round change to the future of our mental health. Now more than ever it's important to get the nation talking about our mental health.

Both staff and students are welcome to join the live event.

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