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Cambridge Admissions Office

Cambridge Admissions Office course timetable


Wed 6 Apr 2022 – Thu 20 Oct 2022

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[ No events on Wed 6 Apr 2022 ]

April 2022

Thu 7

These sessions are aimed at those who are brand new to HEAT (Higher Education Access Tracker) and who will want to be added to the live database as their institution’s Operational Lead or User with all Reports. 

If you are only going to need Read Only or Read Only with Export permissions this training is not required.

Wed 13
A&P Evaluation Community of Practice Drop-in Session new Finished 14:00 - 15:00 Microsoft Teams

A drop-in session to discuss evaluation issues and topics related to Access & Participation work. Things you might want to discuss include:

  • Learn more about the Access & Participation Evaluation Community of Practice
  • Challenges in evaluation and getting the data
  • Networking
  • Evidencing projects/programmes/interventions
  • Find out more about the benefits of a theory of change
  • How to do a self-assessment on your evaluation
  • Learn more about Office for Students (OfS) regulatory requirements and guidance
  • Sounding board for plans/ideas

Or anything else A&P evaluation related!

May 2022

Tue 3

These sessions are aimed at those who are brand new to HEAT (Higher Education Access Tracker) and who will want to be added to the live database as their institution’s Operational Lead or User with all Reports. 

If you are only going to need Read Only or Read Only with Export permissions this training is not required.

Thu 12

This online session will explore the role of stakeholder analysis in programme/intervention design, evaluation planning, and reporting. It will also look at ways to undertake stakeholder analysis and stakeholder management. The session will comprise of practical guidance and opportunities for interaction.

Mon 16
Evaluation Methods: Interviews new Finished 10:00 - 11:00

This online session will explore why and how interviews can be a valuable method in the evaluation of access and participation, outreach and public engagement activities/interventions.

Wed 18

This online session will address how to scope the requirements and boundaries of your evaluation in terms of purposes, questions and scaling. It will particularly explore how evaluation could be used constructively and strategically, and five potential areas that you could explore in your evaluation. This is the second step in the 6-Step Evaluation Process. The session will comprise of practical guidance, opportunities for discussion, and introduce some practical resources you can use in your own evaluation planning.

Wed 25
Reporting, Dissemination & Comms new Finished 14:00 - 15:30

This online session will explore how to present and disseminate evaluation findings in appropriate ways for intended users, and to support wider strategic use.

June 2022

Wed 8

These sessions are aimed at those who are brand new to HEAT (Higher Education Access Tracker) and who will want to be added to the live database as their institution’s Operational Lead or User with all Reports. 

If you are only going to need Read Only or Read Only with Export permissions this training is not required.

Fri 10
Intro to Qualitative Data Analysis new Finished 11:00 - 12:00

This introductory session will explore what qualitative data analysis can tell you and the implications of different kinds of qualitative data collection.

Thu 23
Theory of Change - Part 1 & 2 new CANCELLED 09:30 - 12:30 Student Services Centre, Exams Hall, Room AG03d

This in person session will cover the basics of an underpinning Theory of Change for access & participation interventions and focus on worked examples.

Thu 30
Intro to Quantitative Data Analysis new Finished 14:00 - 15:00

A training session for people working in access & participation who wish to develop a better understanding of the stats techniques and numbers that you may encounter when evaluating programmes.

We'll be covering the basics, including descriptive statistics and some inferential statistics techniques. We'll also have a worked example from Rebecca Middleton at NEACO on analysing survey data. All welcome, be great to see you there (albeit on Teams).

July 2022

Thu 7

These sessions are aimed at those who are brand new to HEAT (Higher Education Access Tracker) and who will want to be added to the live database as their institution’s Operational Lead or User with all Reports. 

If you are only going to need Read Only or Read Only with Export permissions this training is not required.

Thu 14
Evaluation 6 Step Process new Finished 10:00 - 11:30

An online session that will outline and explain a simple 6-step process for designing and embedding evaluation for Access & Participation interventions and programmes. The process has been developed by the Cambridge Admissions Office and is flexible enough to be applied to many A&P interventions, regardless of the student lifecycle stage in question.

August 2022

Tue 2

These sessions are aimed at those who are brand new to HEAT (Higher Education Access Tracker) and who will want to be added to the live database as their institution’s Operational Lead or User with all Reports. 

If you are only going to need Read Only or Read Only with Export permissions this training is not required.

Fri 19

These sessions are aimed at those who are brand new to HEAT (Higher Education Access Tracker) and who will want to be added to the live database as their institution’s Operational Lead or User with all Reports. 

If you are only going to need Read Only or Read Only with Export permissions this training is not required.

September 2022

Thu 8
Evaluation 6 Step Process new Finished 09:30 - 11:00 Student Services Centre, Exams Hall, Room AG03d

NOTE: if you'd like to join the session remotely, please let us know in the Special Requirements section when booking. This will help us plan the session and manage physical numbers in the room.

This hybrid session, delivered online and in person, will outline and explain a simple 6-step process for designing and embedding evaluation for Access & Participation interventions and programmes. The process has been developed by the Cambridge Admissions Office and is flexible enough to be applied to many A&P interventions, regardless of the student lifecycle stage in question.

Who is this really for? - Stakeholder Analysis in A&P evaluation new Finished 11:30 - 12:30 Student Services Centre, Exams Hall, Room AG03d

NOTE: if you'd like to join the session remotely, please let us know in the Special Requirements section when booking. This will help us plan the session and manage physical numbers in the room.

This hybrid session, delivered online and in person, will explore the role of stakeholder analysis in programme/intervention design, evaluation planning, and reporting. It will also look at ways to undertake stakeholder analysis and stakeholder management. The session will comprise of practical guidance and opportunities for interaction.

Theory of Change - Part 1 new Finished 13:30 - 15:00 Student Services Centre, Exams Hall, Room AG03d

NOTE: if you'd like to join the session remotely, please let us know in the Special Requirements section when booking. This will help us plan the session and manage physical numbers in the room.

This hybrid session, delivered online and in person, will cover the basics of an underpinning Theory of Change for access & participation interventions.

Reporting, Dissemination & Comms new Finished 15:30 - 17:00 Student Services Centre, Exams Hall, Room AG03d

NOTE: if you'd like to join the session remotely, please let us know in the Special Requirements section when booking. This will help us plan the session and manage physical numbers in the room.

This hybrid session, delivered online and in person, will explore how to present and disseminate evaluation findings in appropriate ways for intended users, and to support wider strategic use.

Tue 13

These sessions are aimed at those who are brand new to HEAT (Higher Education Access Tracker) and who will want to be added to the live database as their institution’s Operational Lead or User with all Reports. 

If you are only going to need Read Only or Read Only with Export permissions this training is not required.

Wed 28

These sessions are aimed at those who are brand new to HEAT (Higher Education Access Tracker) and who will want to be added to the live database as their institution’s Operational Lead or User with all Reports. 

If you are only going to need Read Only or Read Only with Export permissions this training is not required.

Thu 29
Introduction to School Targeting Resources new Finished 15:00 - 16:00 Student Services Centre, Exams Hall, Room AG03d

NOTE: if you'd like to join the session remotely, please let us know in the Special Requirements section when booking. This will help us plan the session and manage physical numbers in the room.

An introduction to available resources for targeting outreach programmes. The session will cover the CAO Schools/Colleges Outreach Targeting Dataset in detail, along with other resources publicly available.

This session will be recorded and made available with the slides on the Access & Participation Community of Practice Teams channel.

October 2022

Fri 14

These sessions are aimed at those who are brand new to HEAT (Higher Education Access Tracker) and who will want to be added to the live database as their institution’s Operational Lead or User with all Reports. 

If you are only going to need Read Only or Read Only with Export permissions this training is not required.

Thu 20
Practitioner Research: A path to building an outreach community of peers? new Finished 10:00 - 11:00 Student Services Centre, Exams Hall, Room AG03d

NOTE: if you'd like to join the session remotely, please let us know in the Special Requirements section when booking. This will help us plan the session and manage physical numbers in the room.

Jacob Butler will deliver a talk on his recent masters project: The focus on quantitative data in outreach can lead to evaluation feeling more like a box-ticking exercise than an integral part of an event. Practitioner research, which is a framework intended to support those conducting research into their own practice, offers an approach that recognises the importance of sharing qualitative experiences and emphasises the need for clear communication between peers. I argue that adopting elements of this framework in our evaluation would help to share good practice, through an accessible record of our experiences, and encourage a more collaborative network across the many different areas in which we work. In this session, I will introduce practitioner research and how it can be applied to outreach, then open the floor to a discussion around its potential benefits and costs, with the aim of refining an approach that would work for all outreach practitioners in the university.

This session will be recorded and made available with the slides on the Access & Participation Community of Practice Teams channel.

Evaluation Methods: Surveys? How useful are they on a scale of 1-10? new Finished 14:00 - 15:00 Student Services Centre, Exams Hall, Room AG03a

NB: if you would like to join this session remotely, please let us know in the special requirements of your booking and we can send you a Microsoft Teams link.

Surveys are a very common data collection method in Access & Participation evaluation. This session will review why they are so ubiquitous, their strengths and some common pitfalls to look out for. Great if you're new to survey design or want to refresh yourself on this method, we'll be going over some examples from recent programmes' evaluation and sharing good practice in design, collection, and analysis.