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University of Cambridge Training

All-provider course timetable


Tue 23 Feb 2021

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Tuesday 23 February 2021

Panel Data Analysis (2 of 2) Finished 09:00 - 11:00 SSRMP Zoom

This module provides an applied introduction to panel data analysis (PDA). Panel data are gathered by taking repeated observations from a series of research units (eg. individuals, firms) as they move through time. This course focuses primarily on panel data with a large number of research units tracked for a relatively small number of time points.

The module begins by introducing key concepts, benefits and pitfalls of PDA. Students are then taught how to manipulate and describe panel data in Stata. The latter part of the module introduces random and fixed effects panel models for continuous and dichotomous outcomes. The course is taught through a mixture of lectures and practical sessions designed to give students hands-on experience of working with real-world data from the British Household Panel Survey.

  • Introduction to PDA: Concepts and uses
  • Manipulating and describing panel data
  • An overview of random effects, fixed effects and ‘hybrid’ panel models
  • Panel models for dichotomous outcomes

A series of 30 minute drop-in sessions to talk with one of the Simplifying our Processes team. We offer expert, impartial advice relating all things process improvement and want to support our colleagues on their own continuous improvement journeys.

Please note, these sessions are informal, 1-2-1 meetings where colleagues can ask for advice and guidance from the Simplifying our Processes team. These are not workshops or taught sessions.

The Simplifying our Processes team will be available 9-10 and 4-5 every Tuesday and Friday - each hour can be split into two sessions of 30 minutes depending on demand.

Leading Your Team Through Change (2 of 2) Finished 09:30 - 12:30 N/A - PPD Zoom (Internal Ref:Standard)

Change is a constant feature in today’s workplace and yet many of us find it hard to navigate successfully through change.

Studies show that the line manager has a critical role to play in ensuring staff are ready for change and in successfully implementing it. These sessions will equip you with the skills and attitudes you need to guide, support and motivate your team through the process of change.

Case studies, discussion and activities will provide the opportunity to share ideas and embed skills.

Introduction to R for Biologists (ONLINE LIVE TRAINING) (2 of 2) Finished 09:30 - 17:30 Bioinformatics Training Facility - Online LIVE Training

PLEASE NOTE The Bioinformatics Team are presently teaching as many courses live online, with tutors to assist you with instant and personalised feedback and to help you to run/execute the scripts which we will be using during the course. We aim to simulate the classroom experience as closely as possible, with opportunities for one-to-one discussion with tutors and a focus on interactivity throughout.

R is one of the leading programming languages in Data Science. It is widely used to perform statistics, machine learning, visualisations and data analyses. It is an open source programming language so all the software we will use in the course is free. This course is an introduction to R designed for participants with no programming experience. We will start from scratch by introducing how to start programming in R and progress our way and learn how to read and write to files, manipulate data and visualise it by creating different plots - all the fundamental tasks you need to get you started analysing your data. During the course we will be working with one of the most popular packages in R; tidyverse that will allow you to manipulate your data effectively and visualise it to a publication level standard.

Please note that if you are not eligible for a University of Cambridge Raven account you will need to book or register your interest by linking here.

Are you migrating from Hermes to Exchange Online and are using Outlook 365 desktop as your client for the first time?

If so join us in this friendly, introductory session to learn how to get up and running with Outlook 365 Email and Calendar using the Desktop application for Windows, where we will take you through the basics of the Outlook 365.

This course does not cover the Hermes migration tool or in-depth technical questions regarding Outlook and Exchange. For this information please see the Further Information for IT staff webpages.

Please Note: It is important that when you book on this course, on your booking confirmation page, click on Add to Calendar to start the process to import the course appointment into your calendar. This contains the link to the MS Teams course meeting under Joining Instructions that you will use to join on the day of the course.

To fully participate in this course you will need to have the Microsoft Outlook 365 for Windows desktop application installed on your computer. Participants using Microsoft Outlook 365 for Mac or the online version via a web browser will find some of the functionality missing.

Conversation and Discourse Analysis (2 of 4) Finished 10:00 - 10:30 SSRMP Zoom


The course content for this year is under construction and will change. While the focus of the course will remain the same, the balance of the content between two types of analysis will change and hands-on tasks added to the curriculum.

The module will introduce students to the study of language use as a distinctive type of social practice. Attention will be focused primarily on the methodological and analytic principles of conversation analysis. (CA). However, it will explore the debates between CA and Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), as a means of addressing the relationship between the study of language use and the study of other aspects of social life. It will also consider the roots of conversation analysis in the research initiatives of ethnomethodology, and the analysis of ordinary and institutional talk. It will finally consider the interface between CA and CDA.


  • Session 1: The Roots of Conversation Analysis
  • Session 2: Ordinary Talk
  • Session 3: Institutional Talk
  • Session 4: Conversation Analysis and Critical Discourse Analysis
CULP: French Basic 1 charged (12 of 15) Finished 10:00 - 12:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

More detailed information is available from the Language Centre website.

Supervising Postgraduate Students (STEMM) Finished 10:00 - 12:00 Online

This workshop explores the principles of good postgraduate supervision, different approaches to supervising, how to deliver feedback for best results, and the teacher/learner roles of the supervisor-supervisee relationship. It is aimed at new or experienced postgraduate supervisors looking to develop their skills in effective and inspired pedagogy.


  • Understand the teacher/learner roles central to the supervision of doctoral students
  • Explore good practice for delivering feedback
  • Understand possible issues and where to go for support in the Cambridge system
  • Consider the elements of positive research culture in a group and lab
Bulk Data Capture: an overview new Finished 10:00 - 11:00 Cambridge Digital Humanities Online

This CDH Basics session provides a brief introduction to different methods for capturing bulk data from online sources or via agreement with data collection holders, including Application Programme Interfaces (APIs). We will address issues of data provenance, exceptions to copyright for text and data-mining, and discuss good practice in managing and working with data that others have created.

Engaged Researcher Online - Co-creation With Non-academic Partners: Arts, Humanities And Social Sciences new (1 of 3) Finished 10:00 - 11:30 Phoenix 2, Phoenix Building, New Museums Site

This session aims to give you tools to manage your relationships with business and industry, charities, and other non-academic partners. The session is suitable for researchers and facilitators looking to future-proof their impact partnerships and co-creation relationships. We will use case studies from the arts, humanities and social sciences.

We’ll cover the basics of intellectual property management, licensing of co-created resources and research outputs, and academic consultancy. Above all we want to support you to ensure a sustainable, fair, future-proof foundation for scalable real-world impact.

It may be helpful to bring your own cases and questions to the session.

The sessions on Friday, 26 February and Monday, 1 March gives the opportunity to the participants to have a 30-minute one-to-one session with the trainer to discuss issues and queries relating to their own project.

Medicine: Risk of Bias Assessment - Systematic Reviews (for University and NHS) Finished 10:00 - 11:30 Cambridge University Libraries Online

This course will help you understand how to undertake a risk of bias assessment of a systematic review, assessing its reliability, trustworthiness, and applicability. The session uses the ROBIS tool to assess a preselected published systematic review.

We ask that you read a paper that will be provided before you attend the session, in order for us to make the best use of the time together.

UPDATE: Please note that this session is taking place remotely, not in the Medical Library as previously advertised. Please do not go to the Medical Library training room. You will be contacted by the training team with information about how to join the session remotely.

Please note: this session may be recorded. By signing up for the session, you register your consent for recording to take place. Please email if you have any questions about this.

This course seeks to help students develop their critical reading skills, and to deploy tactics and strategies that can accelerate the process of literature-based research without sacrificing detail and depth necessary for a doctoral thesis.

The course is aimed at first year students, but all are welcome.

The University Library is operating differently during these unprecedented times, but your Reader Services team are still here to assist you. Whether you need specific help, or just want a rundown of our latest services, book a video call with a member of the team today!

Calls are available Monday to Friday from 10.30 - 12.30 and 14.00 - 16.00

To book a call, please email with the following information

  • Preferred date and time
  • A brief description of what you would like to talk about
Virtual - Cognos Introduction (1 of 2) Finished 10:00 - 11:30 Finance Division, At Participant's Desk

Cognos is a reporting tool that utilises data from CUFS to provide users with additional reports and options. This introductory course is designed for new reporters - covering everything from running a report successfully as well as a number of useful tips and shortcuts.

Note: This course is mandatory in order to attend either of the following two courses below.

If none of the dates are suitable then there is an on-demand version of the course Completion of this course will count as Cognos attendance for the purpose of acceptance onto the above courses. You should ask your Key Contact to request Cognos access for you, prior to working through the on-demand material

What this introductory course does not do is go through in detail the outputs of each individual report. Report outputs are explained in further detail in the courses above.

This session aims to provide an understanding of the prevalence, myths and stereotypes surrounding sexual violence before discussing how to appropriately respond to disclosures of this and other unwanted behaviours which might also constitute a criminal offence.

There will be a focus on trauma-informed practice and the practicalities of dealing with someone in distress, what to do in the event of being a first point of disclosure, what questions to ask and what to record. The session will also discuss how to think about risk and will provide an outline of the support and reporting options available.

The session will be held remotely by Zoom, joining instructions will be sent separately prior to the start of the event.

This event is aimed at those who have not already attended previous iterations of this training.

New to online collaboration? This course aims to take the mystery out of managing your files online, syncing these to your computer and introduces a few useful functions that you may not have discovered.

Please note that the course is taught using Microsoft Teams and you must have Teams installed on your computer to participate.

You will:

  • Learn various online file management techniques and understand SharePoint storage
  • Use the assistive technologies within Teams
  • Gain a few tips to speed your work

If you book:

  • Add the event to your calendar by following the link in your booking confirmation email and click Add to Calendar.
  • Install the Microsoft Teams app. (It is possible to join using Edge or Chrome but there is less functionality when using a browser).
  • Important: The instructor cannot troubleshoot access to Microsoft Teams on the day of the course. If you are in an institution that is managing their own Teams tenancy (CAMENT, JBS, medschl and some of the colleges) then you may not have access to the files or calendar used in the course. Please contact the instructor in advance to discuss this.
  • If you are using Hermes for your email you will not be able to access the Teams calendar used in the course.
  • It's advisable to make a test call in advance of the session.
  • The course will start promptly at the time shown but will be open up to 30 minutes beforehand should you wish to check your audio and visual setup or meet your instructor.
CULP: German Basic (total beginners) for Academic Purposes (LAP) (12 of 15) Finished 11:30 - 13:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

This weekly class is intended to help research students in the Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences to develop their skills in reading German documents they need to deal with in their research. Each session will be divided into two parts:

The first part will consist of grammar, tasks to develop insight into the reading process, help with dealing with complex sentence structures, academic conventions, abbreviations, etc.

The second part will be devoted to the translation of original German texts from different periods and covering a range of topics. Each week you will be asked to attempt a translation into English of a German passage. Students will be encouraged to bring along German texts from their own research to translate.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

CULP: German Intermediate 1 for Academic Purposes (LAP) - PRIMARILY FOR CLASSICISTS (12 of 15) Finished 11:30 - 13:00 Zoom Video Communication Software


This weekly class is intended to help research students in the Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences to develop their skills in reading German documents they need to deal with in their research. Each session will be divided into two parts:

The first part will consist of grammar, tasks to develop insight into the reading process, help with dealing with complex sentence structures, academic conventions, abbreviations, etc.

The second part will be devoted to the translation of original German texts from different periods and covering a range of topics. Each week you will be asked to attempt a translation into English of a German passage. Students will be encouraged to bring along German texts from their own research to translate.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

CULP: Russian Basic 1 charged (12 of 15) Finished 12:00 - 14:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence. At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

More detailed information is available from on our website.

This course is run and the trainers provided by the Disability Resource Centre

Revamped for 20-21 this workshop will look at ways of working effectively with students with specific learning difficulties (SpLD) Increasing numbers of all disabled students including those with SpLD means that it is less feasible to rely only on individual adjustments for all students. Consequently, this workshop focusses on practical changes based on inclusive teaching practice which enable the students to achieve their potential and have a fulfilling Cambridge experience. This workshop focusses on reading and research, essay writing and language learning.

  • This workshop will be delivered via Teams and includes around 30 minutes of preparatory work which is self paced.
  • This is a pilot presentation and participants will be encouraged to give feedback.
  • This workshop has been updated to reflect the current challenges because of COVID 19.
JTC: Advanced English Conversation Hours charged (5 of 5) Finished 12:00 - 13:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

Please note that the Conversation Hours will be delivered online

The Advanced Conversation Hours are a great way to practice the spoken English of academic discussion and debate. They are suitable for learners comfortable in spoken interaction at level C1 and above. The weekly sessions encourage a relaxed and fun approach to communication designed to both aid interaction and build confidence.

If the course is already 'in progress' please click on 'register your interest' in order to book a place.

Cost for 5 sessions

£26 Students, £36 Staff, £46 Partners and Visiting Scholars

CLIC: Writing skills: Writing for Engineers (Postdocs) new (5 of 8) Finished 12:15 - 13:45 CLIC online teaching

Writing for Engineers: Course for postdocs on refining papers for publishing. The course consists of four workshops followed by one individual supervision.

  • NB. Please read ATTENDANCE section below before signing up for this course.

Postdocs: Researcher Development & Support (one-to-one sessions)

The postdoc RD team are offering one-to-one meetings online for all postdocs. These meetings will be tailored to your individual needs and provide an opportunity to consider and discuss a variety of topics relating to learning, skills and personal development. This is not an exhaustive list but areas for discussion could include:

  • Managing your time whilst working from home
  • Collaborating effectively
  • Maintaining resilience and coping strategies
  • Reflecting on and identifying your key areas for development

Each meeting will last for up to 45 minutes and, given the present circumstances relating to Covid-19, will be conducted online using Teams.

JTC: Advanced Spanish Conversation Hours charged (5 of 6) Finished 13:00 - 14:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

Please note that the Conversation Hours will be delivered online

This conversation hour offers learners with an independent conversational ability (B2/C1 level upwards) a chance to practice speaking Spanish with others in a relaxed and informal group led by a native-speaker facilitator. The content of the sessions is decided by the participants, with members taking turns to propose a topic and source materials (newspaper articles, web links, videos etc.) to use as a basis for discussion. The groups are ideal for those who wish to retain or improve upon the language skills they already have or for those studying for a language degree who would like another forum for interaction at advanced level.

Participants from Spanish Advanced CULP and Advanced plus through film and literature are warmly invited to attend the Spanish Conversation Hour.

If the course is already 'in progress' please click on 'register your interest' in order to book a place.

CULP: Spanish Intermediate 1 charged (12 of 15) CANCELLED 13:00 - 15:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At intermediate 1 level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

CULP: French Basic for Academic Purposes (LAP) (12 of 15) Finished 13:00 - 14:30 Zoom Video Communication Software

Using close reading and translation of academic texts from their particular discipline, this weekly class is intended to help research students in the Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences to develop their skills in reading French documents that they have come across or may meet in their research.

The course aims to develop strategies for reading longer texts faster through close analysis, grammatical and stylistic commentary, and translation. For example, literary texts with differing editions, stories with two or more translations into English that need to be compared and evaluated, poems of challenging originality or range of allusion.

Classes will be conducted in English, but there will be many opportunities to use French and practise reading aloud.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

Know Moore About: Research Data Managment Finished 13:00 - 14:00 Cambridge University Libraries Online

Data management is a vital part of all research projects. Done well it can save time and stress as well as making the research process more efficient. This session will introduce participants to the basic elements of managing the information they use and create as part of their projects including how information can be backed up, stored and shared.

Qualitative Interviews with Vulnerable Groups (3 of 3) Finished 14:00 - 16:00 SSRMP Zoom

Qualitative interviews are often used in the social sciences to learn more about the world and can be particularly appropriate for people we might class as vulnerable. The course will try to achieve two things. First, it will have a strong practical arc, guiding students through the complete process of designing and delivering interviews and what to do with the data when you have it. It is particularly important, therefore, that students come to the course prepared with a research question in mind (it does not have to be your actual dissertation topic). Second, we will repeatedly think carefully about the challenges of interviewing with populations that are deemed vulnerable (especially prisoners, women in the criminal justice system, and people living with trauma). We will explore how, in all stages of the research cycle, questions of ethics and the importance of understanding ‘whole people’ remain pertinent.

In the first session we will think about how to frame a study and research question, and how to design an interview schedule that allows you to access your question sensibly and creatively! We will also think about the challenges of interviewing those with trauma, in particular, as a case study.

In the second session we will think through the challenges of actually undertaking interviews in the field. Many hints and tip will be shared, and students will be encouraged to undertake a short mock interview.

In the third session we explore various ways in which to approach a mass of interview data and different approaches towards analysis.

In the final session, we burrow down into analysis and talk about how to write up your research.

In both of the final sessions students will be asked to engage with real interview transcripts that have been anonymised.

CULP: Chinese (Mandarin) Basic 1 charged (12 of 15) Finished 14:00 - 16:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

Further Topics in Multivariate Analysis (FTMA) 2 (3 of 3) Finished 14:00 - 18:00 SSRMP Zoom

This module is an extension of the three previous modules in the Basic Statistics stream, and introduces more complex and nuanced aspects of the theory and practice of mutivariate analysis. Students will learn the theory behind the methods covered, how to implement them in practice, how to interpret their results, and how to write intelligently about their findings. Half of the module is based in the lecture theatre; the other half is lab-based, in which students will work through practical exercises using the statistical software Stata.

Topics covered include:

  • Interaction effects in regression models: how to estimate these and how to interpret them
  • Marginal effects from interacted models
  • Ordered and categorical discrete dependent variable models (ordered and multinomial logit and probit)

To get the most out of the course, you should also expect to spend some time between sessions building your own statistical models.


Given the plan to decommission the Managed Web Service (MWS) later this calendar year, we will hear from and can engage with the Cambridge-based Mythic Beasts who have extensive understanding of our University systems and challenges, and local/international hosting options.

In addition, following the successful Network+ training pilot, the four Universities comprising the COGEnT (Cambridge, Oxford, Glasgow, Edinburgh) consortium have agreed with CompTIA to follow up with some Cloud training. CompTIA will introduce their Cloud Essentials and Cloud+ courses, and next steps for a mixed cloud training pilot (with a few sponsored places, and favourable academic pricing).

JTC: Study sessions in the John Trim Centre Finished 14:30 - 15:30 John Trim Centre

Are you looking for a quiet study space during lock-down or somewhere to carry out independent language learning?

The Language Centre is currently offering bookable hourly time slots in the John Trim Centre. These will be available for a maximum of 2 students per hourly session, with strict COVID-19 measures in place.

Fresh air will be circulated continuously during the study sessions and we therefore advise you to wrap up warmly as windows and doors will remain open.

If you would like to borrow a resource from the John Trim Centre, please consult the guidelines on the Language Centre website.

CULP: German Basic 1 charged (12 of 15) Finished 15:00 - 17:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

CULP: Spanish Advanced charged (12 of 15) Finished 15:00 - 17:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At an advanced level, the focus shifts slightly towards reading and writing whilst still offering plenty an opportunity for oral communication. The syllabus is more topical and the contents feature many a cultural, historical, political and current affairs theme. While the grammar is analysed within a context, explicit grammar instruction becomes an integral part of the course.

One of the aims of the advanced level courses is also presentation skills as the courses aim to cater to the academic needs (i.e. research, conferences) of the students.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

NB: Advanced courses are official, award-bearing University qualifications.

Please also note that the certificates and transcripts are usually issued in July.

CULP: Italian Basic for Academic Purposes (LAP) (12 of 19) Finished 15:00 - 16:30 Zoom Video Communication Software
  • Please note that this group is better suited for the needs of students who had previously NOT studied Latin or a Romance language.

This course will start at Basic level and move quickly through the basics of Italian grammar. Students with some background in the Italian language (Intermediate level) are most welcome to join the group in January (Lent term) when we start reading more complex, original texts.

Using close reading and translation of academic texts from their particular discipline, this weekly class is intended to help research students in the Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences to develop their skills in reading Italian documents that they have come across or may meet in their research.

Students will be encouraged to bring along their own texts and work in pairs to enhance the learning experience. For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

CULP: Spanish Basic for Academic Purposes (LAP) (12 of 15) Finished 15:00 - 16:30 Zoom Video Communication Software

Using close reading and translation of academic texts from their particular discipline, this weekly class is intended to help research students in the Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences to develop their skills in reading Spanish documents that they have come across or may meet in their research.

The course aims to develop strategies for reading longer texts faster through close analysis, grammatical and stylistic commentary, and translation. For example, literary texts with differing editions, stories with two or more translations into English that need to be compared and evaluated, poems of challenging originality or range of allusion.

Classes will be conducted in English, but there will be many opportunities to use Spanish and practise reading aloud.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

ADTIS In-Sessional - Patterns and Chunks in Academic Writing 2 Finished 15:00 - 16:30 Zoom Video Communication Software

This workshop continues the theme of Patterns and chunks in academic writing (1), looking at how writers signal the organisation of their texts using a repeated repertoire of language chunks. This is a practical workshop with tasks to complete before and during the Zoom workshop. Attendance at Patterns and chunks in academic writing (1) is not a prerequisite for attendance at this workshop.

JTC: Study sessions in the John Trim Centre Finished 15:45 - 16:45 John Trim Centre

Are you looking for a quiet study space during lock-down or somewhere to carry out independent language learning?

The Language Centre is currently offering bookable hourly time slots in the John Trim Centre. These will be available for a maximum of 2 students per hourly session, with strict COVID-19 measures in place.

Fresh air will be circulated continuously during the study sessions and we therefore advise you to wrap up warmly as windows and doors will remain open.

If you would like to borrow a resource from the John Trim Centre, please consult the guidelines on the Language Centre website.

CULP: Arabic Basic 1 charged (12 of 15) Finished 16:00 - 18:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

A series of 30 minute drop-in sessions to talk with one of the Simplifying our Processes team. We offer expert, impartial advice relating all things process improvement and want to support our colleagues on their own continuous improvement journeys.

Please note, these sessions are informal, 1-2-1 meetings where colleagues can ask for advice and guidance from the Simplifying our Processes team. These are not workshops or taught sessions.

The Simplifying our Processes team will be available 9-10 and 4-5 every Tuesday and Friday - each hour can be split into two sessions of 30 minutes depending on demand.

CULP: German Advanced charged (12 of 15) Finished 16:30 - 18:30 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At an advanced level, the focus shifts slightly towards reading and writing whilst still offering plenty an opportunity for oral communication. The syllabus is more topical and the contents feature many a cultural, historical, political and current affairs theme. While the grammar is analysed within a context, explicit grammar instruction becomes an integral part of the course.

One of the aims of the advanced level courses is also presentation skills as the courses aim to cater to the academic needs (i.e. research, conferences) of the students.

More detailed information is available from the Language Centre website.

NB: Advanced courses are official, award-bearing University qualifications.

Please also note that the certificates and transcripts are usually issued in July.

CULP: Chinese (Mandarin) Basic 2 charged (12 of 15) Finished 16:30 - 18:30 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

JTC: Speaking practice for learners of German : VIA ZOOM Finished 16:30 - 16:50 Zoom Video Communication Software

A chance to practice German conversation/pronunciation with a volunteer native speaker. The 20-minute session will take place via Zoom Communication software.

CULP: Greek Basic 1 charged (12 of 15) Finished 17:00 - 19:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

Greek is an Indo-European language and the only member of the Hellenic branch; it has been spoken in South-East Europe since early in the second millennium BC and has the longest recorded history of any Indo-European language. Ancient Greek, spanning from c. 1500 BC to 1600 AD and Modern Greek (c.1700 to the present) are two major developmental stages in the long history of the language.

Modern Greek is spoken by some 14 million people mainly in the Republic of Greece, where it is the official language and the Republic of Cyprus as one of the two official languages. It is also spoken by sizeable immigrant communities in the USA, Australia, Western Europe and elsewhere. Since 1981 is has been one of the official languages of the European Union as well.

More detailed information is available from the Language Centre website.

CULP: German Intermediate 1 charged (12 of 15) Finished 17:00 - 19:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At intermediate 1 level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please go to the Language Centre CULP page.

CULP: Introduction to the Persian (Farsi) Language and Culture charged (12 of 15) POSTPONED 17:00 - 19:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Introduction to Languages and Cultures courses feature some less taught languages and are designed to offer a sneak preview into the world of these important civilisations.

While learning the basics of the language, you will be able to view and appreciate the ancient as well as the modern character of the lands and peoples.

These courses will not be formally assessed and students who attend regularly (12/15 sessions) will receive a Certificate of Attendance.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

CULP: Korean Basic 1 charged (12 of 15) Finished 17:00 - 19:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At basic 1 level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

CULP: Spanish Basic 1 charged (12 of 15) Finished 17:00 - 19:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

CULP: Spanish Basic 2 - SEMI-INTENSIVE charged (10 of 15) Finished 17:00 - 19:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

CULP: Russian Advanced charged (12 of 15) Finished 17:00 - 19:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At an advanced level, the focus shifts slightly towards reading and writing whilst still offering plenty an opportunity for oral communication. The syllabus is more topical and the contents feature many a cultural, historical, political and current affairs theme. While the grammar is analysed within a context, explicit grammar instruction becomes an integral part of the course.

One of the aims of the advanced level courses is also presentation skills as the courses aim to cater to the academic needs (i.e. research, conferences) of the students.

More detailed information is available from the Language Centre webiste.

NB: Advanced courses are official, award-bearing University qualifications.

Please also note that the certificates and transcripts are usually issued in July.

CULP: Portuguese Basic 1 charged (12 of 15) Finished 17:00 - 19:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

More detailed information is available from the Language Centre.

CULP: Persian (Farsi) Pre-Intermediate 1 for Academic Purposes new charged (13 of 15) Finished 17:00 - 19:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

This intensive Persian course is designed particularly for researchers, graduate students and staff who have a particular interest in Persian language, culture and heritage. However the course can be equally useful for those who are interested in learning Persian for more general purposes.

We offer linguistic tools that will enable students to comprehend complex texts and produce spoken and written language on variety of topics.

The classes are going to be conducted more or less in English, even though there will be plenty of opportunity for speaking and listening practice in Persian. And the medium of class will swiftly change to Persian by the end of the term. The courses feature a listening and speaking component as to prepare student to conduct field work in Persian and/or communicate in Persian with native speakers.

  • Please note research students within the School of Arts & Humanities and the School of Humanities & Social Sciences need to contact CULP Administrator on for the link to make a payment.
JTC: Speaking practice for learners of German : VIA ZOOM Finished 17:00 - 17:20 Zoom Video Communication Software

A chance to practice German conversation/pronunciation with a volunteer native speaker. The 20-minute session will take place via Zoom Communication software.

JTC: Study sessions in the John Trim Centre Finished 17:00 - 18:00 John Trim Centre

Are you looking for a quiet study space during lock-down or somewhere to carry out independent language learning?

The Language Centre is currently offering bookable hourly time slots in the John Trim Centre. These will be available for a maximum of 2 students per hourly session, with strict COVID-19 measures in place.

Fresh air will be circulated continuously during the study sessions and we therefore advise you to wrap up warmly as windows and doors will remain open.

If you would like to borrow a resource from the John Trim Centre, please consult the guidelines on the Language Centre website.

CULP: British Sign Language Basic 1 charged (12 of 15) Finished 17:30 - 19:30 Zoom Video Communication Software

The course is delivered in a visual way

CULP: Spanish Advanced Plus through Film and Literature charged (12 of 15) Finished 17:30 - 19:30 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At advanced level the focus shifts slightly towards reading and writing whilst still offering plenty an opportunity for oral communication. The syllabus is more topical and the contents feature many a cultural, historical, political and current affairs theme. While the grammar is analysed within a context, explicit grammar instruction becomes an integral part of the course.

One of the aims of the advanced level courses is also presentation skills as the courses aim to cater for the academic needs (i.e. research, conferences) of the students.

This course features no formal summative assessment component and upon the completion of homework, participation and attendance (attendance required is at least 12/15 sessions) students will be awarded a Certificate of Attendance issued by the Language Centre.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

CULP: Arabic Basic 2 charged (12 of 15) Finished 18:30 - 20:30 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence. At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please go to the Language Centre CULP page.

CULP: Japanese Intermediate 1 charged (12 of 15) CANCELLED 19:00 - 21:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence. At intermediate 1 level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please go to the Language Centre CULP page.

CULP: German Basic 1 charged (12 of 15) Finished 19:00 - 21:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

CULP: Portuguese Intermediate 1 charged (12 of 15) Finished 19:00 - 21:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At intermediate 1 level the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

More detailed information is available from the Language Centre.

CULP: Italian Advanced charged (12 of 15) Finished 19:00 - 21:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At advanced level the focus shifts slightly towards reading and writing whilst still offering plenty an opportunity for oral communication. The syllabus is more topical and the contents feature many a cultural, historical, political and current affairs theme. While the grammar is analysed within a context, explicit grammar instruction becomes an integral part of the course.

One of the aims of the advanced level courses is also presentation skills as the courses aim to cater for the academic needs (i.e. research, conferences) of the students.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

NB: Advanced courses are official, award-bearing University qualifications.

Please also note that the certificates and transcripts are usually issued in July.

CULP: French Advanced charged (12 of 15) Finished 19:00 - 21:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At advanced level the focus shifts slightly towards reading and writing whilst still offering plenty an opportunity for oral communication. The syllabus is more topical and the contents feature many a cultural, historical, political and current affairs theme. While the grammar is analysed within a context, explicit grammar instruction becomes an integral part of the course.

One of the aims of the advanced level courses is also presentation skills as the courses aim to cater for the academic needs (i.e. research, conferences) of the students.

More detailed information is available on our website.

NB: Advanced courses are official, award-bearing University qualifications.

Please also note that the certificates and transcripts are usually issued in July.