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University of Cambridge Training

All-provider course timetable


Fri 1 Dec 2023 – Mon 4 Dec 2023

Now Today

Friday 1 December 2023

Drop In Sessions - Simplifying our Processes new Finished 09:00 - 10:00 CPMO: MS Teams

A series of 30 minute drop-in sessions to talk with one of the Simplifying our Processes team. We offer expert, impartial advice relating all things process improvement and want to support our colleagues on their own continuous improvement journeys.

Please note, these sessions are informal, 1-2-1 meetings where colleagues can ask for advice and guidance from the Simplifying our Processes team. These are not workshops or taught sessions.

The Simplifying our Processes team will be available 9-10 and 4-5 every Tuesday and Friday - each hour can be split into two sessions of 30 minutes depending on demand.

Analysis of bulk RNA-seq data (ONLINE LIVE TRAINING) (3 of 3) Finished 09:30 - 17:30 Bioinformatics Training Facility - Online LIVE Training

The aim of this course is to familiarize the participants with the primary analysis of RNA-seq data.

This course starts with a brief introduction to RNA-seq and discusses quality control issues. Next, we will present the alignment step, quantification of expression and differential expression analysis. For downstream analysis we will focus on tools available through the Bioconductor project for manipulating and analysing bulk RNA-seq.

If you do not have a University of Cambridge Raven account please book or register your interest here.

Additional information
  • Our courses are only free for registered University of Cambridge students. All other participants will be charged according to our charging policy.
  • Attendance will be taken on all courses and a charge is applied for non-attendance, including for University of Cambridge students. After you have booked a place, if you are unable to attend any of the live sessions, please email the Bioinfo Team.
  • Further details regarding eligibility criteria are available here.
Introduction to Phylogenetics (IN-PERSON) Finished 09:30 - 17:30 Bioinformatics Training Room, Craik-Marshall Building

This course will teach you how to use molecular data to construct and interpret phylogenies. We will start by introducing basic concepts in phylogenetic analysis, what trees represent and how to interpret them. We will then cover how to produce a multiple sequence alignment from DNA and protein sequences, and the pros and cons of different alignment algorithms. You will then learn about different methods of phylogenetic inference, with a particular focus on maximum likelihood and how to assess confidence in your tree using bootstrap resampling. Finally, we will introduce how Bayesian methods can help to estimate the uncertainty in the inferred tree parameters as well as incorporate information for more advanced/bespoke phylogenetic analysis.

If you do not have a University of Cambridge Raven account please book or register your interest here.

Additional information
  • ♿ The training room is located on the first floor and there is currently no wheelchair or level access.
  • Our courses are only free for registered University of Cambridge students. All other participants will be charged according to our charging policy.
  • Attendance will be taken on all courses and a charge is applied for non-attendance, including for University of Cambridge students. After you have booked a place, if you are unable to attend any of the live sessions, please email the Bioinfo Team.
  • Further details regarding eligibility criteria are available here.
Cognos 1:1 Workshop (via Teams) new Finished 09:30 - 09:55 Via MS Teams

These sessions are designed for you to have time one on one with a member of the training team to look at issues you may be having with using Cognos. These sessions are designed to discuss issues such as setting up report views, scheduling, general navigation or which parameters to use in flexible reports. They are not designed to discuss issues with the output contained in the reports.

Postdocs: Resilient Leadership in Action (6 of 9) Finished 09:30 - 12:00 Online

Resilient Leadership in Action is a nationally recognised, practical training programme delivered online in collaboration with several other institutions (including hosts King's College London and University College London). This programme offers a unique opportunity to reshape your ideas about being a leader and expand your leadership skills, supported by experienced coaches and fellow researchers from different disciplines and institutions.

The programme will also help you to:

  • understand the impact of leadership styles on those being led
  • influence people towards a common goal/purpose
  • receive feedback on your own leadership styles and identify how these can be developed further
  • engage with researchers from a variety of disciplines, backgrounds and career stages.

What happens during the course?

This course will support you to develop a range of leadership skills through the act of applying them, rather than focusing on leadership theory.

Activities The course is based around seven activities, the first six of which are designed to explore a different aspect of leadership and provide a practical insight into how leadership works. In the final activity, you will address a leadership activity that you can continue beyond the course.

You will work with others in teams of six with a coach to help you make sense of the activities.

  • Session 1: Leading Problem Solving
  • Session 2: Activity Review, Contracting and Values
  • Session 3: Leading Public Engagement
  • Session 4: Leading Strategy Development
  • Session 5: Leading Creative Production
  • Session 6: Resilient Decision Making and Leadership Presence
  • Session 7: Leading Multiple Tasks
  • Session 8: Leading Crisis Management
  • Session 9: Leading Your Vision Presentations and Conclusion

Buddies and home groups Throughout the course you will work alongside your "buddy", who is another course participant. Together you will share your experiences and provide mutual support, developing key co-coaching skills in the process.

You will also have a “home group” where you consolidate your learning.

Resilient leadership Underlying everything is the Resilient Leaders Elements, a framework you can use to support your learning.

Application deadline is XXX

Engaged Researcher - Object-based Public Engagement Finished 10:00 - 11:15 Babington Room, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

From lab equipment to label makers, objects can help people to engage with your research in new and interesting ways. In this session we will look at how you can safely introduce objects into your public engagement, how close looking can help enthuse people and how even the most seemingly un-exciting artefact can tell stories.

Sarah-Jane Harknett co-ordinates evaluation projects across the University of Cambridge Museums. Alongside this role, she also heads up the Public Engagement programmes at the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology where she regularly teaches with objects.

Practicing your presentation skills (STEMM) Finished 10:00 - 11:00 Student Services Centre, New Wing Seminar Room

This practical in person session gives you opportunity to practice presenting in a supportive environment. Before attending, please prepare a 5 minute presentation. You will deliver your presentation to the rest of the participants and receive feedback.

Cognos 1:1 Workshop (via Teams) new Finished 10:00 - 10:25 Via MS Teams

These sessions are designed for you to have time one on one with a member of the training team to look at issues you may be having with using Cognos. These sessions are designed to discuss issues such as setting up report views, scheduling, general navigation or which parameters to use in flexible reports. They are not designed to discuss issues with the output contained in the reports.

JTC: Speaking practice for learners of Chinese new Finished 10:20 - 10:40 John Trim Centre

A 20-minute session providing a chance to practice Chinese pronunciation, tones and general conversation.

Cognos 1:1 Workshop (via Teams) new Finished 10:30 - 10:55 Via MS Teams

These sessions are designed for you to have time one on one with a member of the training team to look at issues you may be having with using Cognos. These sessions are designed to discuss issues such as setting up report views, scheduling, general navigation or which parameters to use in flexible reports. They are not designed to discuss issues with the output contained in the reports.

JTC: Speaking practice for learners of Chinese new Finished 10:40 - 11:00 John Trim Centre

A 20-minute session providing a chance to practice Chinese pronunciation, tones and general conversation.

Tableau Drop In Sessions (via Teams) new Finished 11:00 - 11:30 Via MS Teams

This is an opportunity for the members of the University to go one-on-one with Tableau experts across the Business Information and Strategic Insights Team, who can help you solve challenges.

Preparing for Your First Conference Presentation (STEMM) Finished 11:00 - 13:00 Student Services Centre, New Wing Seminar Room

This beginner’s course is designed to get you thinking about preparing your first presentation. Giving presentations is an essential skill for a researcher, be it in your department, at a major conference, or in your next job interview! During the workshop we will discuss how your story, your slides and you as a presenter contribute to the impactful presentation.

Cognos 1:1 Workshop (via Teams) new Finished 11:00 - 11:25 Via MS Teams

These sessions are designed for you to have time one on one with a member of the training team to look at issues you may be having with using Cognos. These sessions are designed to discuss issues such as setting up report views, scheduling, general navigation or which parameters to use in flexible reports. They are not designed to discuss issues with the output contained in the reports.

Tableau Drop In Sessions (via Teams) new Finished 11:30 - 12:00 Via MS Teams

This is an opportunity for the members of the University to go one-on-one with Tableau experts across the Business Information and Strategic Insights Team, who can help you solve challenges.

Concur – Acting as a Delegate new Finished 12:00 - 12:20 Via MS Teams

A short briefing on how to act as a delegate using the desktop SAP Concur client. This will cover:

  • Who may act as a delegate for others
  • The type of claims you may prepare for others
  • How to switch roles and enter information
  • The submission process
Intercultural Communication POSTPONED 14:00 - 17:00 Student Services Centre, New Wing Seminar Room

Research in the 21st century is global, and research teams are intercultural. 35% of Cambridge research students are from outside the EU; and postdocs are the most diverse group by nationality, representing almost 100 countries. This diversity is one of the University’s biggest strengths. Yet intercultural communication is not without its pitfalls and misunderstandings. It takes conscious discipline to think about one’s own cultural assumptions and to try to make sense of others'.

This workshop will give you some tools to help identify where national culture might be having an influence on your professional and social interactions, where common misunderstandings can occur, and how to address potential challenges, especially when the majority of it is now happening online. The content of the session is informed by research form intercultural studies and refers to culture as a framework of shared values, attitudes and behaviours. It explores the nature of generalisations and the relationship between culture and personal values.

Drop In Sessions - Simplifying our Processes new Finished 16:00 - 17:00 CPMO: MS Teams

A series of 30 minute drop-in sessions to talk with one of the Simplifying our Processes team. We offer expert, impartial advice relating all things process improvement and want to support our colleagues on their own continuous improvement journeys.

Please note, these sessions are informal, 1-2-1 meetings where colleagues can ask for advice and guidance from the Simplifying our Processes team. These are not workshops or taught sessions.

The Simplifying our Processes team will be available 9-10 and 4-5 every Tuesday and Friday - each hour can be split into two sessions of 30 minutes depending on demand.

CULP: Japanese Basic 2 charged (7 of 15) Finished 17:00 - 19:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

CULP: Spanish Basic 1 - SEMI-INTENSIVE charged (15 of 15) Finished 17:00 - 19:00 Language Centre, Teaching Room 2

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

JTC: Speaking practice for learners of Chinese : Via MS Teams new Finished 17:30 - 18:00 MS Teams Video Chat

A 30-minute session providing a chance to practice Chinese pronunciation, tones and general conversation via MS Teams.

CULP: Languages for Medics (SSC), Japanese Basic (9 of 10) Finished 19:00 - 21:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

Language courses for Y4 students of the School of Clinical Medicine only.

Saturday 2 December 2023


As part of the UIS Wellbeing initiative, we are very pleased to invite Hisham Ziauddeen a Clinical Senior Research Associate in the Department of Psychiatry and the University’s Wellbeing and Disability Champion to deliver a talk on 'Optimising Brain Functioning'. He is a consultant psychiatrist working in early intervention in psychosis.

He will talk about how we model our minds and how we manage the cost of mental functioning. He will particularly discuss the impact of work and other stress and the phenomenon of burnout. These are complex problems that have got even more complex with COVID-19 and they don’t have simple solutions but there are some ways we can ease them.

The 4 March is University Mental Health Day which aims to bring together the university community to make mental health a university-wide priority and create ongoing year round change to the future of our mental health. Now more than ever it's important to get the nation talking about our mental health.

Both staff and students are welcome to join the live event.

Monday 4 December 2023

Fire Safety Awareness Training for Embedded Departments at Addenbrooke's Hospital Finished 12:00 - 13:00 Alice Fisher Lecture Theatre

Fire Safety Awareness training provided by the NHS for all embedded tenants. It is recommended that this training be refreshed every 2-3 years.

Please note: Bookings will close one week before the event.

CDH Methods | AI at work: a critical introduction to Machine Learning systems new Finished 13:00 - 17:00 Cambridge University Library, Milstein Room

This in-person workshop will provide an accessible, non-technical introduction to Machine Learning systems, aimed primarily at graduate students and researchers in the humanities, arts and social sciences. No prior knowledge of programming is required.

We will focus on the technical, ethical and societal implications of embedding Machine Learning systems for classifying and generating texts and images into the world of work, with a particular emphasis on the impact of Large Language Models such as ChatGPT. We will explore these text generation systems in the context of longer histories of AI, including the ‘deep learning revolution’ in image-based Machine Learning systems which laid the foundations for popular text-to-image generation models such as StableDiffusion.

Participants will have the chance to both learn more about how AI works and also discuss what the embedding of such systems into labour processes, management structures, resource allocation systems may mean for how society works.

Medicine: Zotero Q & A new Finished 14:00 - 15:00 Cambridge University Libraries Online

An introductory session showcasing how to manage your references using Zotero.

UPDATE: Please note that this session is taking place remotely, not in the Medical Library as previously advertised. Please do not go to the Medical Library training room. You will be contacted by the training team with information about how to join the session remotely.

Please note: this session may be recorded. By signing up for the session, you register your consent for recording to take place. Please email if you have any questions about this.

Public Engagement: Drop-in Sessions Finished 16:00 - 16:30 Online

A series of 30-minute drop-in sessions to talk with a member of the Public Engagement team. We offer expert advice to support your public engagement work, engagement processes and activities. These include:

  • engagement types and the appropriate format to engage effectively and collaboratively
  • engagement opportunities
  • extensive training portfolio for researchers and professional staff to build skills and confidence
  • funding schemes and resources to inform and support develop projects, events and activities

These sessions are not workshops or taught sessions.

Based on your area of expertise and depending on your School affiliation, you can book a time with one of our public engagement professionals:

  • Dr Lucinda Spokes, Head of Public Engagement, all areas and schools - Monday, 16:00-16:30 and 16:30-17:00
  • Dr Diogo Martins-Gomes, Public Engagement and Communications Manager, Clinical School and School of Biological Sciences - Wednesday, 12:00-12:30 and 12:30-13:00
  • Dr Claudia Antolini, Public Engagement Manager, School of Physical Sciences and School of Technology - Thursday 14:00-14:30 and 14:30-15:00

The team will be available every week, each mentor offering two sessions of 30 minutes in the day and time indicated above. We will release new slots in the same days and times a couple of months in advance.

Please book for the day and time you would like to attend, and you will receive closer to the session the Teams link to meet with the mentor. The link will be sent by RDP Course Administrator. Please make sure that that e-mail address does not go to your spam folder.

CULP: Italian Intermediate 2 charged (7 of 15) CANCELLED 16:00 - 18:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At intermediate 2 level, the focus shifts slightly towards reading and writing whilst still offering plenty an opportunity for oral communication. The syllabus is more topical and the contents feature many a cultural, historical, political and current affairs theme. While the grammar is analysed within a context, explicit grammar instruction becomes an integral part of the course.

More detailed information is available from the Language Centre website.

Public Engagement: Drop-in Sessions Finished 16:30 - 17:00 Online

A series of 30-minute drop-in sessions to talk with a member of the Public Engagement team. We offer expert advice to support your public engagement work, engagement processes and activities. These include:

  • engagement types and the appropriate format to engage effectively and collaboratively
  • engagement opportunities
  • extensive training portfolio for researchers and professional staff to build skills and confidence
  • funding schemes and resources to inform and support develop projects, events and activities

These sessions are not workshops or taught sessions.

Based on your area of expertise and depending on your School affiliation, you can book a time with one of our public engagement professionals:

  • Dr Lucinda Spokes, Head of Public Engagement, all areas and schools - Monday, 16-17
  • Dr Selen Etingu-Breslaw, Public Engagement and Impact Manager, Arts and Humanities, Humanities and Social Sciences, Physical Sciences, Technology - Friday, 9.30-10.30

The team will be available every week, each mentor offering two sessions of 30 minutes in the day and time indicated above. We will release new slots in the same days and times a couple of months in advance.

Please book for the day and time you would like to attend, and you will receive closer to the session the Teams link to meet with the mentor. The link will be sent by RDP Course Administrator ( Please make sure that that e-mail address does not go to your spam folder.

CULP: Introduction to the Hebrew Language and Culture charged (7 of 15) Finished 17:00 - 19:00 Zoom Video Communication Software
  • The Introduction to Languages and Cultures courses feature some less taught languages and are designed to offer a sneak preview into the world of these important civilisations. While learning the basics of the language, you will be able to view and appreciate the ancient as well as modern character of the lands and peoples.

These courses will not be formally assessed and students who attend regularly (12/15 sessions) will receive a Certificate of Attendance.

CULP’s Introduction to Language and Culture Hebrew course, designed for absolute beginners, promises to offer a welcoming and exciting start to your Hebrew studies. Both spoken and written Modern Hebrew will be taught two hours per week during Michaelmas and Lent terms. You will be given the opportunity to express yourself, read and write in the target language, and develop your ability to understand native speakers. Realistic amounts of homework will be given and students will be encouraged to avail themselves of Hebrew media within the Language Centre.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.