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Cambridge University Libraries course timetable


Mon 24 May 2021 – Thu 17 Jun 2021

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[ No events on Mon 24 May 2021 ]

Tuesday 25 May 2021

Know Moore About: Becoming a Reflective Researcher new Finished 13:00 - 14:00 Cambridge University Libraries Online

'Reflective practice' is a phrase that often makes people worry but it is just a formal term for something we all do every day. We all have an internal monologue which helps us to process our experiences, both positive and negative. Researchers and students are increasingly being asked to apply reflection to their studies, something emphasised by the key graduate outcomes of the University. But what does this actually mean? How can you use an abstract concept like reflection in your work?

This webinar will answer these questions and more. Learn about how you can use reflection to think critically about your response to information, analyse the opinions of others and bring these insights into your writing. You will also be shown how this process can help you in your everyday life - from interviews and coping with feedback through to helping you settle your thoughts at the end of a busy day.

Wednesday 26 May 2021

Medicine: Writing a Systematic Review Protocol (for University and NHS) new Finished 10:00 - 11:30 Cambridge University Libraries Online

Publishing a protocol -- stating in advance the search strategy, inclusion and exclusion criteria, data analysis and other evaluative techniques -- is a core requirement for conducting a systematic review. The process of writing this protocol will also mean you have written in advance a large chunk of what will need to go into the finished systematic review, saving you a huge amount of time.

This session will cover the contents and types of information you will need to provide in your protocol, and will give attendees the opportunity to write a draft protocol, as well as highlighting helpful resources and further support.

UPDATE: Please note that this session is taking place remotely, not in the Medical Library as previously advertised. Please do not go to the Medical Library training room. You will be contacted by the training team with information about how to join the session remotely.

Please note: this session may be recorded. By signing up for the session, you register your consent for recording to take place. Please email if you have any questions about this.

STEMM Libraries present: ”working together” virtual study room new Finished 13:00 - 16:30 Cambridge University Libraries Online

To support your studies, STEMM Libraries are offering a “working together” virtual study room. Set your goals for your afternoon of study and work informally alongside other students in a virtual space.

How will the study room work?

  • You don’t have to stay for the whole afternoon You can pop in, leave, return, and take breaks as you please. We are asking people to book so we manage access to the room so pick whatever date(s) work for you!
  • There will be a 30 minute comfort break halfway through the session.
  • Library staff will be present in the room if you have questions about resources or anything else library-related. We will also be there to make sure everything runs smoothly.
  • These study rooms will be delivered through Zoom and a link will be sent out as part of your booking.
  • Closed captioning will be enabled alongside the option to use breakout rooms for private discussion as needed.

Please note, the study rooms will run from the 17th March – 26th May initially.

Managing your data well is a key responsibility as a researchers and it prevents disasters. You will encounter research data in many forms, ranging from measurements, numbers and images to documents and publications.

Whether you create, receive or collect this information, you will need to look after it properly.

Managing digital information properly is a complex issue. Doing it correctly from the start could save you a lot of time and hassle when preparing a publication or writing up your thesis.

Thursday 27 May 2021

Medicine: Web of Science Q & A new Finished 12:00 - 13:00 Cambridge University Libraries Online

This session is aimed at University of Cambridge staff or students who have already had prior training in database searching and want to learn more about the features of the Web of Science database. Those who want to attend an introductory session should book onto the Introduction to Literature Searching course, or the Getting the Best Results - Improving Your Database Searching if they are NHS staff.


Referencing where you got ideas and inspiration from for your research is a core skill for any good researcher. In this session, you will be shown handy tools, such as the reference manager Zotero, that can do a lot of the hard work for you as well as managing your literature and reading throughout your research and beyond.

The session will also give some tips on how to avoid being caught out through bad referencing techniques as well as the University of Cambridge's approach to plagiarism.

We will use a combination of live demonstrations, discussions and quizzes to help you apply your knowledge and get to grips with your referencing needs!

Friday 28 May 2021


This session equips participants with all the fundamental skills that they need to build and execute effective search strategies to locate relevant materials for literature reviews, projects and other related research activities. The session will explore key searching techniques, where to search, how to troubleshoot common searching problems, as well as keeping up to date with the latest research.

This session will include live demonstrations of scientific databases to demonstrate the key principles covered in action.

Monday 31 May 2021

Managing your research data - for researchers in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences new Finished 13:00 - 14:30 Cambridge University Libraries Online

Managing your data well is a key responsibility as a researchers and it prevents disasters. You will encounter research data in many forms, ranging from measurements, numbers and images to documents and publications.

Whether you create, receive or collect this information, you will need to look after it properly.

Managing digital information properly is a complex issue. Doing it correctly from the start could save you a lot of time and hassle when preparing a publication or writing up your thesis.

Tuesday 1 June 2021

Know Moore About: Copyright (Drop-In) new Finished 13:00 - 14:00 Cambridge University Libraries Online

Confused by copyright? You're not alone! Let your Research Support Team help you to understand what you can use in your work and what rights you have in work you produce in this informal drop-in session. We will be online for an hour ready to talk you through any issues so just pop in when you need to - no need to stay for the whole session.

Medicine: EndNote Q & A new Finished 14:00 - 15:00 Cambridge University Libraries Online

An introductory session showcasing how to manage your references using EndNote desktop and EndNote online.

UPDATE: Please note that this session is taking place remotely, not in the Medical Library as previously advertised. Please do not go to the Medical Library training room. You will be contacted by the training team with information about how to join the session remotely.

Please note: this session may be recorded. By signing up for the session, you register your consent for recording to take place. Please email if you have any questions about this.

Wednesday 2 June 2021

Medicine: Critical Appraisal for NHS Staff (for NHS staff only) new Finished 10:00 - 11:00 Cambridge University Libraries Online

This course will help you understand how to critically evaluate medical research articles, with a particular emphasis on evaluating the reliability, trustworthiness, and applicability of an article in informing evidence-based practice and decision-making in a healthcare context.

We will send you the article in advance, and it is a prerequisite that you read it before attending the session, and bring a copy with you to class.

UPDATE: Please note that this session is taking place remotely, not in the Medical Library as previously advertised. Please do not go to the Medical Library training room. You will be contacted by the training team with information about how to join the session remotely.

Please note: this session may be recorded. By signing up for the session, you register your consent for recording to take place. Please email if you have any questions about this.


Google and other search engines are an inefficient way to find relevant academic material for your studies. This session will help you to structure your search to find scholarly resources from the 1000+ academic databases that the university subscribes to, which include monographs, articles, media reports, theses, data and primary resources. You’ll learn how to save time by using these premium resources to guide you to relevant literature rather than relying on the overwhelming, open web.

Thursday 3 June 2021

Medicine: Research Data Management (for University and NHS) Finished 10:00 - 11:30 Cambridge University Libraries Online

There is an increasing emphasis in research on the management and sharing of data. Many funding bodies that support research undertaken at Cambridge require not only open access to any publications based on that research, but also to the data underlying it. This course will help you understand funders’ requirements for management and sharing of research data, and will provide opportunities to create your own data management plan and test out resources that will make the data management process easier.

UPDATE: Please note that this session is taking place remotely, not in the Medical Library as previously advertised. Please do not go to the Medical Library training room. You will be contacted by the training team with information about how to join the session remotely.

Please note: this session may be recorded. By signing up for the session, you register your consent for recording to take place. Please email if you have any questions about this.

Depositing your electronic thesis: a how to guide new Finished 13:00 - 14:00 Cambridge University Libraries Online

Finished your PhD thesis? It’s time to submit.

Unsure of your access level options? Confused about any third-party copyright in your thesis? Then this session is for you.

The final step after completing your thesis is to deposit an electronic copy into the University’s Repository, Apollo. This training session will cover how to ensure you meet all the requirements for submission, how to decide on the access level for your thesis and finally a demonstration of successfully depositing your work using Symplectic Elements.

Monday 7 June 2021

Medicine: Zotero Q & A new Finished 14:00 - 15:00 Cambridge University Libraries Online

An introductory session showcasing how to manage your references using Zotero.

UPDATE: Please note that this session is taking place remotely, not in the Medical Library as previously advertised. Please do not go to the Medical Library training room. You will be contacted by the training team with information about how to join the session remotely.

Please note: this session may be recorded. By signing up for the session, you register your consent for recording to take place. Please email if you have any questions about this.

Tuesday 8 June 2021

Medicine: Scopus Q & A new Finished 10:00 - 11:00 Cambridge University Libraries Online

This session is aimed at University of Cambridge staff or students who have already had prior training in database searching and want to learn more about the features of the Scopus database. Those who want to attend an introductory session should book onto the Introduction to Literature Searching course, or the Getting the Best Results - Improving Your Database Searching if they are NHS staff.

Know Moore About: Presentations Finished 13:00 - 14:00 Cambridge University Libraries Online

This session will introduce participants to a variety of methods used to communicate research before moving on to a discussion around best practice and techniques when preparing a presentation. Participants will first be given advice on producing slides, focusing on good design, accessibility, data presentation, and accessing Creative Commons licenced materials for their work. The session will conclude with an exploration of good delivery techniques with additional advice on what to do if it all goes wrong.

Thursday 10 June 2021

Medicine: Writing for Publication (for University and NHS) Finished 12:00 - 13:00 Cambridge University Libraries Online

A course designed to take you step-by-step through academic writing and publication, with tips and resources to make writing up as simple as possible. The course will demystify the peer-review process, and help you to improve the precision and clarity of your academic writing.

UPDATE: Please note that this session is taking place remotely, not in the Medical Library as previously advertised. Please do not go to the Medical Library training room. You will be contacted by the training team with information about how to join the session remotely.

Please note: this session may be recorded. By signing up for the session, you register your consent for recording to take place. Please email if you have any questions about this.

Friday 11 June 2021

Medicine: Introduction to Literature Searching (for University) new Finished 10:00 - 12:00 Cambridge University Libraries Online

A course specifically for University of Cambridge staff and students. Attendees will learn how to search medical/healthcare databases accessed with a Raven login (such as Medline and Embase) effectively and efficiently, to learn how to save searches and references, and to create and maintain a bibliography. This course is delivered at an introductory/refresher level, and assumes you have had no prior training in how to search databases.

All attendees are required to have a Raven login. NHS staff wanting to learn similar material should book onto our 'Getting the Best Results - Improving Your Database Searching' course instead.

UPDATE: Please note that this session is taking place remotely, not in the Medical Library as previously advertised. Please do not go to the Medical Library training room. You will be contacted by the training team with information about how to join the session remotely.

Please note: this session may be recorded. By signing up for the session, you register your consent for recording to take place. Please email if you have any questions about this.

Developing your literature review: going further with your research (for Biological Sciences) new Finished 13:00 - 14:00 Cambridge University Libraries Online

This session will help researchers go further with their literature review through exploring key skills such as critical evaluation, structural reading, effective note-taking, and getting started with writing your literature review.

Monday 14 June 2021

Medicine: Embase and Medline Q & A new Finished 14:00 - 15:00 Cambridge University Libraries Online

This session is aimed at NHS and University of Cambridge staff or students who have already had prior training in database searching and want to learn more about the features of Embase and Medline via the Ovid interface. Those who want to attend an introductory session should book onto the Introduction to Literature Searching course, or the Getting the Best Results - Improving Your Database Searching if they are NHS staff.

Tuesday 15 June 2021

Medicine: Getting the best results - improving your database searching (for NHS staff only) new Finished 10:00 - 12:00 Cambridge University Libraries Online

A course specifically for NHS staff. Attendees will learn how to search databases accessed with an Athens login (such as Medline, Embase and Cinahl) effectively and efficiently, to learn how to save searches and references, and to create and maintain a bibliography.

All attendees are required to have an NHS Athens login. University of Cambridge staff and students wanting to learn similar material should book onto the Introduction to Literature Searching (for University) course instead.

UPDATE: Please note that this session is taking place remotely, not in the Medical Library as previously advertised. Please do not go to the Medical Library training room. You will be contacted by the training team with information about how to join the session remotely.

Please note: this session may be recorded. By signing up for the session, you register your consent for recording to take place. Please email if you have any questions about this.

Know Moore About: Ask Us Anything! (Drop-In) new Finished 13:00 - 14:00 Cambridge University Libraries Online

Ask us anything! Got a question about any aspect of your research the please let us know in this informal drop-in session. If we don't know the answer we will know where to find it. We will be online for an hour ready to talk you through any issues so just pop in when you need to - no need to stay for the whole session.

Wednesday 16 June 2021

Medicine: Systematic Literature Reviews - A 'How To' Guide (for University and NHS) Finished 10:00 - 12:00 Cambridge University Libraries Online

Before undertaking any piece of primary research it’s important to be aware of as much of the existing literature as possible. A systematic literature review can also be a research end in itself. And it’s not something to be taken lightly. But how can you be sure you’re being as rigorous as necessary? How can you manage the references you find, document the process, and also know when to stop searching?

This session assumes attendees have already had prior introductory training in literature searching. It is a prerequisite that you have attended either Introduction to Literature Searching (if you are a University of Cambridge staff member or student) or Getting the Best Results - Improving Your Database Searching (if you are an NHS staff member). Exceptions will be made if you received similar training from another department or university - please contact us if you have any questions about prerequisites.

UPDATE: Please note that this session is taking place remotely, not in the Medical Library as previously advertised. Please do not go to the Medical Library training room. You will be contacted by the training team with information about how to join the session remotely.

Please note: this session may be recorded. By signing up for the session, you register your consent for recording to take place. Please email if you have any questions about this.

Thursday 17 June 2021

Medicine: Risk of Bias Assessment - Systematic Reviews (for University and NHS) Finished 14:00 - 15:30 Cambridge University Libraries Online

This course will help you understand how to undertake a risk of bias assessment of a systematic review, assessing its reliability, trustworthiness, and applicability. The session uses the ROBIS tool to assess a preselected published systematic review.

We ask that you read a paper that will be provided before you attend the session, in order for us to make the best use of the time together.

UPDATE: Please note that this session is taking place remotely, not in the Medical Library as previously advertised. Please do not go to the Medical Library training room. You will be contacted by the training team with information about how to join the session remotely.

Please note: this session may be recorded. By signing up for the session, you register your consent for recording to take place. Please email if you have any questions about this.