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Theme: Teaching

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10 matching courses

Librarians in Training: Academic Integrity Workshop new Mon 9 Dec 2019   14:30 Finished

This is a workshop that Ruth Walker has run with Master’s students in Cambridge this year, and which has been recommended by a member of library staff attending it. By going to this workshop, staff will understand Academic Integrity and how it impacts students, and it will inform good practice for teaching opportunities.

The role of liaison librarian is common in UK academic libraries and is changing with shifts in digital technologies and universities’ research agendas. What are the key practices of academic liaison librarianship? Do we embody them at Cambridge? What challenges do we face and how can we improve and overcome them?

In this class, we will explore the nature of academic liaison librarianship through discussion and small-group activities. By the end of the class, you will have an understanding of the practices associated with being a liaison and key areas or services you would like to improve.

The following short articles give different perspectives on academic liaison librarianship. Please read them before the class so that we have a base of shared knowledge to build our discussion on.

Crawford, A. (2009). Academic liaison librarians-where do we stand? SCONUL Focus (45).

Parsons, A. (2010). Academic liaison librarianship: Curatorial pedagogy or pedagogical curation?

Woods, L., & Dunn P. (2016). Relationship management as a tool for engaging with the academic community. SCONUL Focus (67).

Everyone wants their teaching to be as engaging and successful as possible, right? But how often have we found ourselves talking to a group of students from behind a podium and thinking “there must be a better way to get this group more involved?” but aren’t sure where to start? Active learning is an approach that makes the traditional, passive approach to teaching more active and this session will explore how to harness good active teaching techniques in any educational scenario, whether you’re doing a 1-2-1 with a student or teaching a big group of people in one go. The session will be built around active learning principles so be prepared to get involved and get engaged in your own learning and teaching practices.

Please bring an internet-enabled device (phone, tablet, laptop etc.) to help with engaging in some of the activities.

Librarians in Training: Backward Design Fri 7 Dec 2018   10:00 Finished
  • Backward design, which uses learning outcomes to determine assessment approaches and course content, is an approach to curriculum design that was developed by Wiggins and McTighe (2008) and plays a vital role within the newly developed ACRL Framework.
  • This hands on workshop will provide participants with an overview of backward design and its pedagogical underpinnings as well as the opportunity to create a backward-designed lesson-plan that can be used as a basis for running a session in their workplace. Focusing on the development of learning outcomes, assessment methods and class content, this workshop is suitable for people looking to get started with teaching as well as for those who are looking to consolidate and strengthen their teaching practices.
  • Alison Hicks is a lecturer in Library and Information Science at UCL. Her research and professional interests lie in the areas of information literacy and information practices as well as in various aspects of academic librarianship.
Librarians in Training: Copyright at the Enquiry Desk new Mon 13 Jan 2020   14:30 Finished

If questions at the Enquiry Desk such as “How much of this can I copy?”, “Can I scan this book on someone else’s behalf?” and “Can I use this image in my teaching presentation / coursework / published article?” sound familiar, this is the course for you!

This session aims to provide you with a framework for analysing copyright enquiries, considering:

  • Who owns the item, and does this make a difference?
  • What is the copy to be used for?
  • What are the specific exceptions to copyright you should be aware of?
  • Where can you seek additional information on copyright issues?

There will be an opportunity to submit examples of copyright enquiries you receive in advance of the course or you can bring them along on the day.

Librarians in Training: Critical Reading Fri 1 Feb 2019   10:30 Finished

In this workshop, you will take a tour of one of the most popular My Learning Essentials Workshop at Manchester University, Critical Reading. With the help of a narrator and facilitator you will see both sides of the workshop looking glass, that of a student and that of a workshop developer. As a student you will develop key skills for effective critical reading. You will learn and practice techniques to help you identify key points and main ideas and gain an understanding about what is required to read critically. There will also be opportunities to discuss strategies for making connections between different articles, journals or other materials in order to aid understanding. As a developer you will hear about the research that underpins the content of the workshop.

Instructors: Sam Aston and Michael Stevenson

There are hundreds of databases available to us in Cambridge. How confident do you feel navigating them and recommending them to end users? For this session we have four faculty librarians who will demonstrate Scopus, ArtSTOR, Lexis and Westlaw and statistics and markets business databases. There will be plenty of time for questions.

Librarians in Training: Library Assistants Forum new Thu 28 Nov 2019   14:00 Finished

A forum for Library Assistants and assistant staff across Cambridge University libraries with a series of talks and discussions around what the role means and how we can diversify and make the most of it in different library contexts.

Moodle is being used for all kinds of things at Cambridge, but do you know really what it can do?

From adding content to marking student papers, we will run through the activities and resources that can be used to support teaching in Moodle. The idea being to familiarise library staff with the possibilities and provide some areas of where we can support teaching staff on how to make Moodle work for their teaching practices.

Please come with questions and if there are any particular areas you would like to make sure we cover drop us an email ( as soon as you can and we will do our best to include it.

This session will explain what learning outcomes are and how you might design your teaching session according to different teaching styles e.g. Behaviourist or Constructivist. There will be an opportunity to practice planning a session and to link the content of the session to the Information Literacy Framework using the new CILN teaching template. There will be opportunities to discuss and work in small groups or pairs during the session.

Attendees should try to bring an idea for a session they have delivered, or would like to deliver, to use as an example for the session activities.

Related courses provided by CamTools Training

CamTools: An Overview Tue 2 Jul 2013   16:00 Finished

CamTools is a system used to create websites to support teaching, research, and collaboration. Within a CamTools site, academics, students, administrators and guests can use a collection of online tools to collaborate, communicate and share resources. This demonstration will give you an overview of the system and how it can be used.

CamTools for Teaching: Getting Started Tue 9 Jul 2013   10:00 Finished

CamTools is a system used to create websites to support teaching, research, and collaboration. Within a CamTools site, academics, students, administrators and guests can use a collection of online tools to collaborate, communicate and share resources. Aimed at those intending to use CamTools to support teaching and learning, this course will give you hands-on instruction and practice of using CamTools, managing a site, and adding tools and participants. It will show you how to use tools for sharing resources, making announcements, linking to webpages, setting up forums, and more. You will leave the course with a fully functioning CamTools site, populated with a standard set of tools to support teaching.

CamTools: Communicating Thu 20 Jun 2013   14:00 Finished

This course will introduce you to the various communication tools available in CamTools such as email, forums, chat rooms and announcements.

CamTools: Controlling Access to Your Site Thu 13 Mar 2014   10:00 Finished

You may want to make your site available to everyone across the University or only to invited members; you may want to make some information on the site accessible only to a specific group of your site members; you may want to give different site members permissions to carry out different tasks on your site. This course will introduce you to the ways that can be managed in CamTools.

CamTools for Teaching Thu 28 Nov 2013   11:30 Finished

Aimed at those intending to use CamTools to support teaching and learning, this short course will offer you hands-on experience of running a course site. You will practice sharing documents with students, creating events to which students can subscribe, setting up forums, creating assignments and more.

CamTools: Getting Feedback from Your Members Thu 12 Dec 2013   10:00 Finished

This course will introduce you to the Swift Survey facility which allows you to survey members of specific CamTools site(s) or an adhoc group of participants.

CamTools: Make the Most of Your Wiki Thu 13 Mar 2014   11:30 Finished

This course will introduce you to the Wiki tool, which allows you to instantly create a webpage or series of webpages, easily edited and contributed to by the site administrator and, if appropriate, by site members.

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