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Engineering Centre for Languages & Inter-Communication course timetable


Wed 21 Feb 2024 – Tue 18 Jun 2024

Now Today

Wednesday 21 February 2024

CLIC: Introduction to British Sign Language new (12 of 15) Finished 16:00 - 18:00 Department of Engineering, CLIC 2

This course is designed for learners who have very limited or no previous knowledge of British Sign Language (BSL). The course aims to enable individuals to understand and use BSL effectively for purposes of practical communication with deaf or hard of hearing people, to develop understanding of the BSL sentence syntax and to learn more about a Deaf Culture.

Please note this course is not credit-bearing and so cannot be used as part of a Tripos.

Tuesday 27 February 2024

CLIC: Speaking skills: Pronunciation Skills (6 of 7) Finished 10:30 - 11:30 Department of Engineering, CLIC 1

This course, which is for non-native speakers, will cover important aspects of English pronunciation for effective academic, professional and social interaction. We will meet together as a group for approximately one hour a week and will schedule individual supervisions for personalised input to accompany the course's group input.

  • NB. Please read the Attendance section below before signing up for this course.

Wednesday 28 February 2024


Have you ever struggled with other students' or colleagues' styles of working? Have you wondered why some people seem to be more direct than others, some don’t seem to be interested in socialising, or perhaps others are more relaxed about deadlines? Culture, and not only the national aspect of it, plays a significant role in how we learn to communicate and collaborate. Adjusting to cultural communication norms is more about shared values and expectations than speaking the same language. It requires a specific set of awareness, attitudes, and skills.

Join our workshop to:

  • Discuss cultural preferences for working.
  • Develop self-awareness of your working preferences.
  • Learn strategies for developing the right skills that will help you develop cultural intelligence.

This is not a webinar. This is an interactive workshop and you will be expected to contribute to the session.

To participate you must have your webcam switched on.

CLIC: Introduction to British Sign Language new (13 of 15) Finished 16:00 - 18:00 Department of Engineering, CLIC 2

This course is designed for learners who have very limited or no previous knowledge of British Sign Language (BSL). The course aims to enable individuals to understand and use BSL effectively for purposes of practical communication with deaf or hard of hearing people, to develop understanding of the BSL sentence syntax and to learn more about a Deaf Culture.

Please note this course is not credit-bearing and so cannot be used as part of a Tripos.

Friday 1 March 2024

CLIC: Writing for Engineers: Writing for blogs new Finished 15:30 - 17:30 CLIC online teaching

A visiting expert will share tips and strategies on writing effective blogs and English for social media.

Tuesday 5 March 2024

CLIC: Speaking skills: Pronunciation Skills (7 of 7) Finished 10:30 - 11:30 Department of Engineering, CLIC 1

This course, which is for non-native speakers, will cover important aspects of English pronunciation for effective academic, professional and social interaction. We will meet together as a group for approximately one hour a week and will schedule individual supervisions for personalised input to accompany the course's group input.

  • NB. Please read the Attendance section below before signing up for this course.

Wednesday 6 March 2024

CLIC: Introduction to British Sign Language new (14 of 15) Finished 16:00 - 18:00 Department of Engineering, CLIC 2

This course is designed for learners who have very limited or no previous knowledge of British Sign Language (BSL). The course aims to enable individuals to understand and use BSL effectively for purposes of practical communication with deaf or hard of hearing people, to develop understanding of the BSL sentence syntax and to learn more about a Deaf Culture.

Please note this course is not credit-bearing and so cannot be used as part of a Tripos.

Wednesday 13 March 2024

CLIC: Introduction to British Sign Language new (15 of 15) Finished 16:00 - 18:00 Department of Engineering, CLIC 2

This course is designed for learners who have very limited or no previous knowledge of British Sign Language (BSL). The course aims to enable individuals to understand and use BSL effectively for purposes of practical communication with deaf or hard of hearing people, to develop understanding of the BSL sentence syntax and to learn more about a Deaf Culture.

Please note this course is not credit-bearing and so cannot be used as part of a Tripos.

Tuesday 2 April 2024

EDI series on Disability in Higher Education: Toward a Better Understanding of Sensory and Learning Impairments new Finished 10:00 - 11:00 Department of Engineering, James Dyson Building, Teaching Room

This EDI series supports the University’s EDI strategy concerned with promoting disability awareness and supportive and humanised workplace. The series encourages thinking differently about disabled colleagues or students, to get ‘a feel for the situation’ from their perspective, and to become inspired to help them achieve their professional goals. This series is being delivered by Dr Zrinka Mendas.

Other workshops in this series are:

  1. Toward a Better Understanding of Sensory and Learning Impairments (April)
  2. Empathy and Disability: Friends or Foes? (May)
  3. Embracing Neurodiversity: Strength or Weakness? (June)
  4. Sign language as a Useful Communication Tool (July)
  5. Advancing Teaching and Learning Practices for disabled staff and students (August)

This is an interactive workshop and you will be expected to contribute to the session.

Wednesday 1 May 2024

CLIC: Inter-Communication: Everybody speaks English, right? new Finished 12:00 - 14:00 CLIC online teaching

In today's globalised world, effective communication in English transcends the boundaries of native and non-native speakers. It's a shared journey, and English-speaking individuals—whether native or proficient—have a pivotal role to play in fostering inclusivity.

Join our workshop to:

  • Engage in an experiment highlighting the challenges of using English as a universal language of communication.
  • Dive into the concept of accent bias.
  • Develop a heightened cultural awareness of the subtle nuances between direct and indirect communication styles, and gain valuable tips and techniques to excel in international settings.

This is not a webinar. This is an interactive workshop and you will be expected to contribute to the session.

To participate you must have your webcam switched on.

Tuesday 7 May 2024

EDI series on Disability in Higher Education: Empathy and Disability: Friends or Foes? new CANCELLED 10:00 - 11:00 Department of Engineering, James Dyson Building, Teaching Room

This EDI series supports the University’s EDI strategy concerned with promoting disability awareness and supportive and humanised workplace. The series encourages thinking differently about disabled colleagues or students, to get ‘a feel for the situation’ from their perspective, and to become inspired to help them achieve their professional goals. This series is being delivered by Dr Zrinka Mendas.

Other workshops in this series are:

  1. Toward a Better Understanding of Sensory and Learning Impairments (April)
  2. Empathy and Disability: Friends or Foes? (May)
  3. Embracing Neurodiversity: Strength or Weakness? (June)
  4. Sign language as a Useful Communication Tool (July)
  5. Advancing Teaching and Learning Practices for disabled staff and students (August)

This is an interactive workshop and you will be expected to contribute to the session.

Wednesday 8 May 2024

CLIC: Inter-Communication: First impression counts new Finished 12:00 - 14:00 CLIC online teaching

Did you know that long before we developed languages, humans relied exclusively on non-verbal signals to understand each other? Even today, our unconscious brains are finely tuned to these cues, shaping our first impressions within seconds. Whether you're presenting, interviewing for a job, or working in a team, becoming aware of how you come across can be the key to success.

Join our workshop to:

  • Gain a deep understanding of the fundamentals of non-verbal communication.
  • Explore how non-verbal cues vary across cultures and discuss different preferences.
  • Discover the art of using body language to project confidence, build rapport, and increase your presence-both in physical and virtual interactions.

This is not a webinar. This is an interactive workshop and you will be expected to contribute to the session.

To participate you must have your webcam switched on.

Tuesday 4 June 2024

EDI series on Disability in Higher Education: Embracing Neurodiversity: Strength or Weakness? new Finished 10:00 - 11:00 Department of Engineering, James Dyson Building, Teaching Room

This EDI series supports the University’s EDI strategy concerned with promoting disability awareness and supportive and humanised workplace. The series encourages thinking differently about disabled colleagues or students, to get ‘a feel for the situation’ from their perspective, and to become inspired to help them achieve their professional goals. This series is being delivered by Dr Zrinka Mendas.

Other workshops in this series are:

  1. Toward a Better Understanding of Sensory and Learning Impairments (April)
  2. Empathy and Disability: Friends or Foes? (May)
  3. Embracing Neurodiversity: Strength or Weakness? (June)
  4. Sign language as a Useful Communication Tool (July)
  5. Advancing Teaching and Learning Practices for disabled staff and students (August)

This is an interactive workshop and you will be expected to contribute to the session.

Wednesday 12 June 2024

CLIC: Falling Walls Lab workshop new Finished 15:30 - 17:00 Department of Engineering, CLIC 1
  • Intro to the Falling Walls concept. Review of rules of the competition.
  • Vocal delivery, body language tips. Key linguistic strategies.
  • Opportunity to present (draft presentation) to practice the skills mentioned during the session (optional)

Thursday 13 June 2024

CLIC: Japanese: Beginner Intensive (1 of 9) Finished 16:00 - 18:00 Department of Engineering, CLIC 2

Introductory course to Japanese. This course is for those with no previous knowledge of Japanese. Communicative context, with videos, audio, texts and conversation.

Friday 14 June 2024

CLIC: Japanese: Beginner Intensive (2 of 9) Finished 16:00 - 18:00 Department of Engineering, CLIC 2

Introductory course to Japanese. This course is for those with no previous knowledge of Japanese. Communicative context, with videos, audio, texts and conversation.

Saturday 15 June 2024

CLIC: Japanese: Beginner Intensive (3 of 9) Finished 16:00 - 18:00 Department of Engineering, CLIC 2

Introductory course to Japanese. This course is for those with no previous knowledge of Japanese. Communicative context, with videos, audio, texts and conversation.

Monday 17 June 2024

CLIC: German: Beginner (Intensive) (1 of 9) CANCELLED 10:00 - 12:00 Department of Engineering, CLIC 2

Introductory course to German. This course is for those with no previous knowledge of German. Communicative context, with videos, audio, texts and conversation.

CLIC: Spanish: Beginner (Intensive) (1 of 9) Finished 14:00 - 16:00 Department of Engineering, James Dyson Building, Teaching Room

Fun introductory course to Spanish. This course is for those with little or no previous knowledge of Spanish. Communicative context, with videos, audio, texts and conversation.

CLIC: Chinese: Intermediate (Intensive) (1 of 9) CANCELLED 14:00 - 16:00 CLIC online teaching

Intermediate intensive course of Chinese.

CLIC: Japanese: Beginner Intensive (4 of 9) Finished 16:00 - 18:00 Department of Engineering, CLIC 2

Introductory course to Japanese. This course is for those with no previous knowledge of Japanese. Communicative context, with videos, audio, texts and conversation.

CLIC: Spanish: Intermediate (Intensive) (1 of 9) Finished 16:00 - 18:00 Department of Engineering, James Dyson Building, Teaching Room

This course is suitable for students who have studied or picked up Spanish at basic level and who want to revise and progress onto intermediate topics and language and to discover Hispanic culture. The main focus is learning through communication and interaction. We will get together, which offers us many possibilities to watch videos, listen to audio, read texts, write and especially speak in small and large groups. ¡Te esperamos!

Tuesday 18 June 2024

CLIC: German: Beginner (Intensive) (2 of 9) CANCELLED 10:00 - 12:00 Department of Engineering, CLIC 2

Introductory course to German. This course is for those with no previous knowledge of German. Communicative context, with videos, audio, texts and conversation.

CLIC: Spanish: Beginner (Intensive) (2 of 9) Finished 14:00 - 16:00 Department of Engineering, James Dyson Building, Teaching Room

Fun introductory course to Spanish. This course is for those with little or no previous knowledge of Spanish. Communicative context, with videos, audio, texts and conversation.

CLIC: Chinese: Intermediate (Intensive) (2 of 9) CANCELLED 14:00 - 16:00 CLIC online teaching

Intermediate intensive course of Chinese.

CLIC: Japanese: Beginner Intensive (5 of 9) Finished 16:00 - 18:00 Department of Engineering, CLIC 2

Introductory course to Japanese. This course is for those with no previous knowledge of Japanese. Communicative context, with videos, audio, texts and conversation.

CLIC: Chinese: Beginner (Intensive) (1 of 9) Finished 16:00 - 18:00 CLIC online teaching

Introductory course to Chinese. This course is for those with no previous knowledge of Chinese. Communicative context, with videos, audio, texts and conversation.