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Department of Chemistry

Department of Chemistry course timetable


Tue 30 Apr 2024 – Thu 10 Oct 2024

Now Today

April 2024

Tue 30
Chemistry: SC1 Statistics for Chemists (In Person, Face to Face) new (2 of 7) Finished 13:30 - 17:00 Todd-Hamied

This is a practical skills-based course which comprises of 1 optional drop-in session and 6 compulsory instructor-lead statistics sessions. These will take place in Todd Hamied

May 2024

Wed 1
Chemistry: Philosophy for Physical Scientists (2 of 5) Finished 13:00 - 14:00 Pfizer LT

Science is a strikingly successful and powerful feature of contemporary human cultures: it has transformed lives, enabled great technological feats and often revealed the world to be a much stranger place than appearances suggest. But what is science, really, and how and why has it been so successful?

Tue 7
Chemistry: SC1 Statistics for Chemists (In Person, Face to Face) new (3 of 7) Finished 13:30 - 17:00 Todd-Hamied

This is a practical skills-based course which comprises of 1 optional drop-in session and 6 compulsory instructor-lead statistics sessions. These will take place in Todd Hamied

Wed 8

PhD research journey can present many challenges in our ability to maintain work life balance and work sustainably while progressing towards our goals. Addressing the challenges of work-life balance and sustainability in the context of a PhD is crucial for the well-being and effectiveness of researchers. This interactive session aims to create a space for researchers to hack key issues for developing sustainable academic practices and offers a toolkit of reliable, evidence-based strategies for wellbeing management

Chemistry: Philosophy for Physical Scientists (3 of 5) Finished 13:00 - 14:00 Pfizer LT

Science is a strikingly successful and powerful feature of contemporary human cultures: it has transformed lives, enabled great technological feats and often revealed the world to be a much stranger place than appearances suggest. But what is science, really, and how and why has it been so successful?

Tue 14
Chemistry: SC1 Statistics for Chemists (In Person, Face to Face) new (4 of 7) Finished 13:30 - 17:00 Todd-Hamied

This is a practical skills-based course which comprises of 1 optional drop-in session and 6 compulsory instructor-lead statistics sessions. These will take place in Todd Hamied

Wed 15

How are you approaching getting published? Are you (passively) writing up your research, submitting your article and hoping for the best? Or are you (proactively) doing your best to get your work published into your intended journal and so contribute to your discipline and society? If it’s more the former than the latter, that’s OK: this introductory ‘Fundamentals of the Publication Process’ aims to help you to help yourself to be as successful as you can.

In the process of this practical and pragmatic half-day session outlining a series of proactive steps that you can take, this course will explore among other topics:

  • how to select a target journal
  • the peer review system in terms of submitting, revising and re-submitting
  • how to communicate effectively with editors and reviewers
  • explore what editors really look for
Mon 20
Chemistry: Quantitative Electrochemistry (In person, face to face) new (1 of 12) Finished 11:00 - 12:00 Unilever Lecture Theatre

This course will cover the quantitative background to underpin many of the electrochemical methods exploited by the research groups in the Department.

  • The first part ('Foundations') will cover the background physical chemistry relevant for electrochemical systems: Following a reminder of the basics of electrochemistry, we address the physical chemistry of metals, ionic solutions and the electrode/solution interface, including electrode dynamics, and connection to experimental measurements.
  • The second part ('Applications') will cover specific examples of applications drawn from active research groups in the department.

Enrol onto the Moodle course and access notes here:

Tue 21
Chemistry: SC1 Statistics for Chemists (In Person, Face to Face) new (5 of 7) Finished 13:30 - 17:00 Todd-Hamied

This is a practical skills-based course which comprises of 1 optional drop-in session and 6 compulsory instructor-lead statistics sessions. These will take place in Todd Hamied

Wed 22
Chemistry: Quantitative Electrochemistry (In person, face to face) new (2 of 12) Finished 11:00 - 12:00 Unilever Lecture Theatre

This course will cover the quantitative background to underpin many of the electrochemical methods exploited by the research groups in the Department.

  • The first part ('Foundations') will cover the background physical chemistry relevant for electrochemical systems: Following a reminder of the basics of electrochemistry, we address the physical chemistry of metals, ionic solutions and the electrode/solution interface, including electrode dynamics, and connection to experimental measurements.
  • The second part ('Applications') will cover specific examples of applications drawn from active research groups in the department.

Enrol onto the Moodle course and access notes here:

Chemistry: Philosophy for Physical Scientists (4 of 5) Finished 13:00 - 14:00 Pfizer LT

Science is a strikingly successful and powerful feature of contemporary human cultures: it has transformed lives, enabled great technological feats and often revealed the world to be a much stranger place than appearances suggest. But what is science, really, and how and why has it been so successful?

Chemistry: Philosophy for Physical Scientists (5 of 5) Finished 14:00 - 15:00 Pfizer LT

Science is a strikingly successful and powerful feature of contemporary human cultures: it has transformed lives, enabled great technological feats and often revealed the world to be a much stranger place than appearances suggest. But what is science, really, and how and why has it been so successful?

Fri 24
Chemistry: Quantitative Electrochemistry (In person, face to face) new (3 of 12) Finished 14:00 - 15:00 Unilever Lecture Theatre

This course will cover the quantitative background to underpin many of the electrochemical methods exploited by the research groups in the Department.

  • The first part ('Foundations') will cover the background physical chemistry relevant for electrochemical systems: Following a reminder of the basics of electrochemistry, we address the physical chemistry of metals, ionic solutions and the electrode/solution interface, including electrode dynamics, and connection to experimental measurements.
  • The second part ('Applications') will cover specific examples of applications drawn from active research groups in the department.

Enrol onto the Moodle course and access notes here:

Mon 27
Chemistry: Quantitative Electrochemistry (In person, face to face) new (4 of 12) Finished 11:00 - 12:00 Unilever Lecture Theatre

This course will cover the quantitative background to underpin many of the electrochemical methods exploited by the research groups in the Department.

  • The first part ('Foundations') will cover the background physical chemistry relevant for electrochemical systems: Following a reminder of the basics of electrochemistry, we address the physical chemistry of metals, ionic solutions and the electrode/solution interface, including electrode dynamics, and connection to experimental measurements.
  • The second part ('Applications') will cover specific examples of applications drawn from active research groups in the department.

Enrol onto the Moodle course and access notes here:

Tue 28
Chemistry: SC1 Statistics for Chemists (In Person, Face to Face) new (6 of 7) Finished 13:30 - 17:00 Todd-Hamied

This is a practical skills-based course which comprises of 1 optional drop-in session and 6 compulsory instructor-lead statistics sessions. These will take place in Todd Hamied

Wed 29
Chemistry: Quantitative Electrochemistry (In person, face to face) new (5 of 12) Finished 11:00 - 12:00 Unilever Lecture Theatre

This course will cover the quantitative background to underpin many of the electrochemical methods exploited by the research groups in the Department.

  • The first part ('Foundations') will cover the background physical chemistry relevant for electrochemical systems: Following a reminder of the basics of electrochemistry, we address the physical chemistry of metals, ionic solutions and the electrode/solution interface, including electrode dynamics, and connection to experimental measurements.
  • The second part ('Applications') will cover specific examples of applications drawn from active research groups in the department.

Enrol onto the Moodle course and access notes here:

Fri 31
Chemistry: Quantitative Electrochemistry (In person, face to face) new (6 of 12) Finished 10:00 - 11:00 Unilever Lecture Theatre

This course will cover the quantitative background to underpin many of the electrochemical methods exploited by the research groups in the Department.

  • The first part ('Foundations') will cover the background physical chemistry relevant for electrochemical systems: Following a reminder of the basics of electrochemistry, we address the physical chemistry of metals, ionic solutions and the electrode/solution interface, including electrode dynamics, and connection to experimental measurements.
  • The second part ('Applications') will cover specific examples of applications drawn from active research groups in the department.

Enrol onto the Moodle course and access notes here:

June 2024

Mon 3
Chemistry: Quantitative Electrochemistry (In person, face to face) new (7 of 12) Finished 11:00 - 12:00 Unilever Lecture Theatre

This course will cover the quantitative background to underpin many of the electrochemical methods exploited by the research groups in the Department.

  • The first part ('Foundations') will cover the background physical chemistry relevant for electrochemical systems: Following a reminder of the basics of electrochemistry, we address the physical chemistry of metals, ionic solutions and the electrode/solution interface, including electrode dynamics, and connection to experimental measurements.
  • The second part ('Applications') will cover specific examples of applications drawn from active research groups in the department.

Enrol onto the Moodle course and access notes here:

Tue 4
Chemistry: SC1 Statistics for Chemists (In Person, Face to Face) new (7 of 7) Finished 13:30 - 17:00 Todd-Hamied

This is a practical skills-based course which comprises of 1 optional drop-in session and 6 compulsory instructor-lead statistics sessions. These will take place in Todd Hamied

Wed 5
Chemistry: Quantitative Electrochemistry (In person, face to face) new (8 of 12) Finished 11:00 - 12:00 Unilever Lecture Theatre

This course will cover the quantitative background to underpin many of the electrochemical methods exploited by the research groups in the Department.

  • The first part ('Foundations') will cover the background physical chemistry relevant for electrochemical systems: Following a reminder of the basics of electrochemistry, we address the physical chemistry of metals, ionic solutions and the electrode/solution interface, including electrode dynamics, and connection to experimental measurements.
  • The second part ('Applications') will cover specific examples of applications drawn from active research groups in the department.

Enrol onto the Moodle course and access notes here:

Fri 7
Chemistry: Quantitative Electrochemistry (In person, face to face) new (9 of 12) Finished 10:00 - 11:00 Unilever Lecture Theatre

This course will cover the quantitative background to underpin many of the electrochemical methods exploited by the research groups in the Department.

  • The first part ('Foundations') will cover the background physical chemistry relevant for electrochemical systems: Following a reminder of the basics of electrochemistry, we address the physical chemistry of metals, ionic solutions and the electrode/solution interface, including electrode dynamics, and connection to experimental measurements.
  • The second part ('Applications') will cover specific examples of applications drawn from active research groups in the department.

Enrol onto the Moodle course and access notes here:

Mon 10
Chemistry: Quantitative Electrochemistry (In person, face to face) new (10 of 12) Finished 11:00 - 12:00 Unilever Lecture Theatre

This course will cover the quantitative background to underpin many of the electrochemical methods exploited by the research groups in the Department.

  • The first part ('Foundations') will cover the background physical chemistry relevant for electrochemical systems: Following a reminder of the basics of electrochemistry, we address the physical chemistry of metals, ionic solutions and the electrode/solution interface, including electrode dynamics, and connection to experimental measurements.
  • The second part ('Applications') will cover specific examples of applications drawn from active research groups in the department.

Enrol onto the Moodle course and access notes here:

Wed 12
Chemistry: Quantitative Electrochemistry (In person, face to face) new (11 of 12) Finished 11:00 - 12:00 Unilever Lecture Theatre

This course will cover the quantitative background to underpin many of the electrochemical methods exploited by the research groups in the Department.

  • The first part ('Foundations') will cover the background physical chemistry relevant for electrochemical systems: Following a reminder of the basics of electrochemistry, we address the physical chemistry of metals, ionic solutions and the electrode/solution interface, including electrode dynamics, and connection to experimental measurements.
  • The second part ('Applications') will cover specific examples of applications drawn from active research groups in the department.

Enrol onto the Moodle course and access notes here:

Fri 14
Chemistry: Quantitative Electrochemistry (In person, face to face) new (12 of 12) Finished 14:00 - 15:00 Unilever Lecture Theatre

This course will cover the quantitative background to underpin many of the electrochemical methods exploited by the research groups in the Department.

  • The first part ('Foundations') will cover the background physical chemistry relevant for electrochemical systems: Following a reminder of the basics of electrochemistry, we address the physical chemistry of metals, ionic solutions and the electrode/solution interface, including electrode dynamics, and connection to experimental measurements.
  • The second part ('Applications') will cover specific examples of applications drawn from active research groups in the department.

Enrol onto the Moodle course and access notes here:

October 2024

Thu 10

This session is compulsory for all experimentalists to attend and will provide useful information regarding analytical facilities at this Department including NMR, Mass Spectrometry, X-ray Crystallography, Microanalysis and Electron Microscopy. Short descriptions will be given of all available instruments, whilst the procedures for preparing/submitting samples for analysis will also be discussed.

Note - This course is compulsory for first year Postgraduate students