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Theme: Language Advising Appointments

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5 matching courses

JTC: 1-to-1 Language Learning Advice new Fri 14 Jun 2024   10:00 Finished

A 30 minute appointment with a Language Adviser to explore opportunities and resources to help you with your plans and aims for your language learning. We advise on learning strategies across a range of 180+ languages in our learning centre. Click here to view our current index of languages.

These appointments are for advice on learning languages other than English. Should you want support for language skills in English, please do not book into one of these appointments but send your request to instead.

(Please note that if you are seeking advice about our taught courses, you are encouraged to visit our website for information about online courses to be offered this term).

Advising appointments can be used to:

  • Decide on your short term and longer term goals
  • Discuss learning strategies for independent language study
  • Formulate a personal learning plan
  • Evaluate your progress so far and identify your next steps
  • Tackle more challenging aspects of your language learning, e.g., strategies for developing listening
  • Talk about ways of shaping a self-study session
  • Explore resources in specialist areas
  • Consider how taught course options in Cambridge can fit in to a longer term plan
  • Find out more about intensive language courses abroad

Please note; This advising appointment will be offered online with an advisor via MS Teams.

JTC: 1-to-1 Language for Fieldwork new Fri 28 Oct 2016   11:00 Finished

A series of one-to-one appointments (6 in total, spaced over the academic year) to help organise your self-study and achieve the proficiency you need to get the most from your fieldwork.

You will be in the driving seat and you will determine the focus of the appointments.

JTC: Pressland Bursaries for Scientists Advice new Thu 31 Jan 2019   10:30 Finished

Administered by the Language Centre, the AJ Pressland Fund offers bursaries of up to £1,000 to support language study abroad for students within the Schools of Biological Science, Clinical Medicine, Physical Science and Technology.

The aim of this optional advising appointment is to support with choosing a short language course abroad. Come along to find out more about other language learner experiences and get ready to explore course providers and programmes for your language.

Students should be planning to study a language overseas for up to 4 weeks during the Long Vacation and funds awarded may be used to support course fees, accommodation and travel as required.

Please note that we have a maximum of two students per appointment so you may share your appointment with another student.

JTC: Study Abroad Advice Fri 10 May 2024   11:00 Finished

A 30 minute appointment with a Language Adviser to explore intensive language courses abroad (usually of 3 weeks as a minimum) for your specific requirements. We can offer pointers for evaluating the options available and share information gleaned from students' feedback on courses that they have attended.

JTC:Trinity College Language Bursary Appointment Fri 26 Jan 2018   11:30 Finished

This appointment forms part of the application process for a Trinity Language Bursary. The purpose of the bursaries is to enable students to take an intensive immersion course abroad of between 4 and 8 weeks in duration, in a language useful for their future careers.

Applicants are invited to come in for a 25 minute appointment to discuss their choice of language school and course, in light of their language interests and motivations for learning. This meeting offers the opportunity to ask questions relating to intensive language study abroad and to confer with the Language Adviser about bursary plans.

Before making an appointment, please obtain brochures, take the trouble to explore the Web and study the information critically in the light of the points made in the sheet entitled ‘Choosing a Short Language Course’ as detailed on the Trinity College Website.