Before booking you must be eligible to attend the course. Unless stated in the course details, you must book in advance for any event. Please do not turn up to a course without making a prior booking or before contacting us. In the event that you need approval from your department or manager to attend, we ask that you do so in good time.
How to book
- Check you are eligible to attend Cambridge Centre for Teaching and Learning courses, programmes or events by reading the eligibility policy
- On the course, programme or event details page check Target Audience to check that you qualify to attend
- Book online using your Raven account, if you do not have a Raven account please see the section on Raven below
- Once you submit your booking we will email you with information about your booking status (confirmed, approval required, waiting list). We will also email you any information about venue and preparations
- We are currently required to charge a fee for a small number of our courses. If there is a charge for the course (see charging), payment will be required (see payment)
If you have any queries please contact Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre.
Attendance approval
- Please regard your booking as provisional until you have received an email from our administration team to confirm that we are able to offer you a place. If the course, programme or event is aimed at particular roles or groups, then we may ask you to confirm that you are eligible for the activity.
Raven account
To make an online booking using this system you need a Raven account.
- If you are a current University or College member and do not have a Raven account, please contact University Information Services (UIS).
- Members of affiliated institutions may be able to attend a training course but might not be eligible for a Raven account. To check Raven eligibility, contact the UCS. If you are not eligible for a Raven account then you will not be able to book online but you should instead contact us by email/phone to process your booking.
- Where non-members of the University are eligible for booking on a course, programme or event please contact us by email/phone to process your booking.
If you need to make a booking on behalf of a colleague please contact Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre who can do this on your behalf. Please do NOT make the booking using your own Raven login.